
Airsoft Gun Purchase?

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There's three things I'd like to know.

Which TYPE of gun to get? (I was thinking a MP5?)

WHERE to buy the gun? (website or major store)

What kind of BB's? and From Where?

I'm not much of an expert as to which gun to get, there are so many kinds and options. Full metal, metat/plastic, metal/wood, wood/plastic. And the prices are all over the place. I'm only looking to spend around $150.

Tell me what the best of the best is, please?




  1. As for the type of gun:

    It depends on where you're going to play. If it's in a CQB enviornment, go with the MP5, MP7, FAMAS, AUG, P90, G36, or M4 Carbine

    For woodland or desert, try an AK-47, AK-74, M16, M15, M4, SCAR, or G36.

    If you're a sniper, you'll obvious want a sniper rifle. The JG BAR-10 is a direct copy of the TM VSR-10 in every aspect except its plastic body. many other rifles will require upgrades to match up with their ability.

    Also pay attention to the body types. Obviously a folding or retractable stock is more versatile than a full stock, but it's also less reliable, and those without one [a stock] will severely reduce your ability to aim.

    Also think about a sidearm. A gas pistol would be best, but you don't really need one. Just more of a precaution for if your primary jams/malfunctions, or for close encounters in woodland/desert. But a must for snipers.

    As for where:

    The type of BB you use depends on the fps of your gun. Never use .12s except in grenades, they have very low weight, and therefore severely reduce your accuracy, and can easily break in your gun, seriously ******* it up. .20s are the most common, and best if you use 350fps and below. after that, use .23's, and if you get 400 o more, go with .25s and up.

    For around $150, try this one out:

    If you want higher fps, get an M100 or M110 spring. Anything more and you'll have to upgrade the rest of the internals.

    Also consider one or two of these to make holding it more comfortable:


  3. I can't help you much with your question which model to buy.Just to tell you remember your backstop.A backstop is where the bullet goes after it misses the target .Into the neighbours backyard across the street and how far does the projectile travel if it missed the target.

    Remember that!
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