I was just wondering, is there any mounted shotgun system that could effectively mount to a STAR Airsoft UMP? I have other setups that cover Long and Mid range fighting very well, but when I get into urban/close quarters, I'm forced into using my CA870 springer or my Mauri AEP USP Tactical, not the best setup. Id use the UMP more readily if there was some way to lead any in with a shotgun blast without having to carry a separate gun thats larger than the USP.
So in essence, is there any particular system that could work, where would I find it, and would I have to modify anything on either the gun or the add-on, or would I have to fabricate a plate or brace to make it work (sorry, NOT using duct tape in any form).
So anywho, any VALID suggestions would be nice, either a product, a message board or a community