
Airsoft and Paintball Olympics?

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Should outdoor recreational sports such as Paintballing and Airsofting be accepted as an olympic event. I mean, its gotten huge over the years, and there are many competitive events. What doy ou guys think?




  1. I think they both could be.  Paintball could be scored traditionally.

    Airsoft would have to be based on two scores.  One score for completion of mission objectives and a second score for "Mil-sim" accuracy.

  2. Paintball, yeah, airsoft no. Paintball will never be accepted though. It's not well known enough. When people hear the word "Paintball" they think of stuff like schools or houses being paintballed, pain, and messiness.

    Plus, when you're watching paintball, it's hard to know whats going on unless you're actually playing. That's why it's not very common to see paintball on TV.

    I'd love to see paintball in the Olympics, but it'll never happen.

  3. Paintball would be a excellent olympic sport in a few years but not now. Probably 85% of the people that play paintball live in the US so that would leave no players to play for other countries really.

    Airsoft....Not a chance.

  4. Paintball Yes but it will never happen

    Airsoft No

  5. i wish SO BAD that paintball would be in Olympics as well as Parkour but if paintball is ever considered to be accepted all the paperwork and legal stuff would take awhile

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