
Airsoft gun review?

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I was wondering if someone could give me a review on this airsoft gun before I buy it. It looks kinda cheap, but good. The url is





  1. You can't really go wrong with airsoft guns.

    The only one I've ever had break was the machine gun, so just steer clear of those.

    And it's only $16, if it dies just return it or buy a new one. Have fun!

  2. "The corners of the sight are smooth for use in holsters"

    Who puts an assault/sniper rifle in a holster?

  3. I wouldn't get it. My favorite airsoft guns came from Japan, and they are electric (also no red tip). I want a gun that can shoot like it looks (of course being fake in all I don't expect it shoot exactly like it looks). So no it is too cheap to have any real fun with.

  4. it looks awsome but it's has good fps for its price but i think snipers should have at lease 290 fps or more

  5. it will probly it fps is kinda low but not really bad it is ok for the price....but probly looks like a better deal then it accually is....

  6. Dude... lame FPS for a sniper. Might as well go get a pump action shotgun.

    You gotta get up in the 500s or higher when dealing with a sniper.

    If you shoot that gun, the bullet will be so far off (even on a windless day) from a 30ft distance that you'll be yelling "WTF!"

  7. I have a airsoft gun my self they are very fun i use mine every day!
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