
Aiyo i always mix up Mark Wahlberg and Matt Damon la..?

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do u get mixed up too?




  1. Yeah, they look the same... But i still can tell the difference.

  2. yeah me too...but don't care much lah bcoz both not handsome to me,so i won't watch their

  3. never...but i always mix up MLP with MLTR. michael learns to rock....and also 'bronzedgal' with ' bronze de girl' pronounciation...hehe..

  4. yeah,i always mix up those two with myself..dang-it!


  5. hah...this is what brad pitt tell to his friends... he said that he is always mix up with GINDURAS....

  6. Nope, Matt Damon has a much longer chin while Wahlberg has a more 'square' or angular jaw.

    Size-wise they are about the same height but when Damon has long hair he is a blond but Wahlberg has always been brown-haired. Damon's hair looks brownish now because it is dark brown at the roots - quite common to have dark roots but blondish ends if you are Caucasian.

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