
Akbar: What is the difference between a truth and a lie???

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  1. the truth is actual, the lie is fictional.

  2. lie is what people can get away with... truth is where somebody will have to stay put live with it!!

    Lie will lead to guilt, truth will lead to happy ending!!

  3. along with what others have said the difference depends upon an individual person. what you believe to be the truth I may not and what I believe to be true you may not. there are many examples of this such as Religious Belief Systems, Political Systems, which automobile is best, which college is best, which ethnic background is best, what language is best, etc. etc. etc.

  4. Lie is what people speak everyday but truth is something which is rarely spoken by the people.

  5. Unfortunately it is not always black and white.   When you leave out key information, it can be seen as lying.  When you answer a question and it is only half truth it is lying.  When it you are not sure and are just guessing but it is taken for the truth it can be considered lying.

    Obviously a so call “out and out” lie is lying.

    Personally I see a lie as a lie with no gradations like the so called “little white lie”,  meaning a small unimportant lie.  

    Lying to protect your or someone’s health, life or to prevent trouble, hide a secret, surprise etc it still lying but usually necessary and forgiven.  The trouble is some people have a tendency to justify constant lying with “good reasons” so do not get into that trap.   I have known many that cannot say the truth even when the truth is not a problem; they are so used to lying!

    Just think about this. Do you feel it is OK for people to lie to you?  If not then be very careful when you lie.

    When someone is trying to solve a problem and is getting information a lie becomes unreliable information and will mess up the problem solving process and make things worse.

    Just a thought:  I find it very upsetting when lied to.  I am more upset with the lying then what they did or did not do!

  6. A lie is much easier to identify than the truth. A lie is a statement made with intent to deceive. The intent is the key here: if I tell you that New York is in Canada, and I really believe that, then I'm not lying, even though the statement is demonstrably untrue, because I myself believe it - I am TRYING to tell the truth. On the other hand, if you are not sure where New York is, and I tell you it's in Canada - maybe because I want to you fail a test, look silly or whatever - then I have told a lie.

    We often speak of "white lies", ie lies told with good intentions. For instance, if a friend's outfit doesn't look good, but s/he has no time to change it, it's kinder to say "you look great" than to be honest. Technically this is still a lie, it's just that most of u wouldn't consider it wrong.

    But as for what truth is - we may agree on physical facts, but abstract "truth" is a very tricky concept. We can only say that, if you are trying to be honest, then you are, as far as you know, speaking the truth.

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