
Akkadians? Help?

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what are the contributions of the akkadians.,

thnks in advance

and for those who doesn't know the answer and would just say anything crappy., PLEASE don't waste both our time




  1. they developed the cuneiform alphabet and left a reach literature (the very known: the adventures of Gilgamesh and many other stories and poems) and a large quantity of written documents - it was the first written semitic language.

  2. The Akkadians are contributed:

    In 2340 BC Sargon of Akkad defeated the Sumarians and forged the Kingdom of Akkad.  Akkad (the city) became the biggest city seen until the city of Babylon.

    Sargon forged the first empire in Mesopotamia and reunited a region  that had been plagued with warring city-states for years.

  3. Sargon of  Akkad (homeland to the Akkadians)  is known  for creating one of the earliest of the world's great empire builders, conquering all of southern Mesopotamia as well as parts of Syria, Anatolia, and Elam (western Iran). He established the region's first Semitic dynasty and was considered the founder of the Mesopotamian military tradition. The Akkadians were Semites, that is, they spoke a language drawn from a family of languages called Semitic languages (the term "Semite" is a modern designation taken from the Hebrew Scriptures; Shem was a son of Noah and the nations descended from Shem are the Semites). These languages include Hebrew, Arabic, Assyrian, and Babylonian. After the final end of Sumerian power and civilization around 2000 BC, the area came under the exclusive control of Semitic peoples for centuries. Sargon became king over all of southern Mesopotamia, the first great ruler for whom, rather than Sumerian, the Semitic tongue known as Akkadian was natural from birth, although some earlier kings with Semitic names are recorded in the Sumerian king list. I thought they invented Cuneform but I was wrong. Introduction to the system of picture writing invented by the Sumerians and handed down to the Semitic (Akkadians) peoples who conquered Mesopotamia in later centuries. So it was a bonus for King Sargon when he conquered Sumeria.
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