
Akward silences /how do you deal w/ em?1st Best Answer gets 10pts?

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Akward silences /how do you deal w/ em?

Alright so ive known this guy was my neighbor for years, but we never really talked, played together when we were younger and i remember him admitting he liked me(about 3 yrs ago)Alright now im a freshman and he is in 11th grade. We saw that we rode the same bus and when i saw hem i said hey and he said hey and smiled. That day i went got the mail and saw him and he waved and he was smiling.The next day he came to my house to give my dad his money for cuttin their grass, but this is actually my first time ever sein him come to my house. I didnt get to the door my mom did and told me who it was so it just leaves everything at a question mark??So today i was at the bus stop with just him i said hey he smiled AGAIN i asked him what grade was in and he said 11th/after that i said oh and kinda had this exspression on my face that let him no i was a freshman, but after that was a huge akward silence till the bus came, it was to the point where he glanced at me and gave a half a smile kindaa like soooooooo/so how do i avoid doing this ever again?How come he didnt say anything/i just wanna be freinds.




  1. Well I think you shouldve said more than just "oh." I think you kinda make it awkward, not even realizing it. Next time you see him start a convo with him!  

  2. Well, he sounds super shy (maybe he has a crush on you).

    Don't take it personal. Be sure to ask him something that is gonna force him to say more the 2 words.

    You ask what grade he is in... too simple.

    Ask him what classes he is taking for elective. Then when he tells you, ask if they are hobbies or ask him why. Keep the conversation going. He will eventually warm up.

    Just be sure to stay away from yes no answers.

    If he say oh I am taking a photoshop class.

    Don't ask, "do you like it?" Cause then he'll say yes or no.

    Ask him why he decided to take that class this way he has to say more.

  3. Think of absolutely anything to say. If he likes you, even if you don't, he won't mind you talking to him about how you are going to have such a blast this year or how you have your best friend in a class. Just be sure to include him in and ask him about his classes or friends.

    Going to the same school gives you a lot of common things to talk about. It's different that just seeing any guy walking down the street and confronting him.

  4. what i do is point out how awkward it is by saying "well..... awkward silence" and then stupidly make small talk. that is probably the best you can do in that type of situation. if you make small talk  you can even start a real conversation. and always always always have an answer/response that is longer than 5 words cause if not that can kill a conversation really fast. you need to drag on conversations for as long as possible. talk to someone about something they are interested in or about themselves. people can talk about that stuff forever!!! by the way awkward is spelled with a "w" before and after the "k". just f.y.i. :)

  5. next time u see him be like " god so i havent talked to u in forever!! whats up with that? " itll leave room for u guys to talk about how much u guys used to chill and all that. and than u can just be like " so what have u been up to lately?" thatll leave room for u guys to discuss recent stuff and get to know eachother now. awkward silences are the worst!! just let the convo come to u

  6. if u want to be friends just say stuff that u  would say to your girl friends. talk about something u both know about. sports? what r ur interests? his?

  7. if you just want to be friends then talk to him and reminisce on the times you guys spent together when you were younger and tell him that you just want to be friends. im a senior this year and sometimes when a younger girl comes up to us like that we automatically think that the girl wants a relationship with an older guy so we tend to avoid conversation but if you let him know that your just looking for friendship then he should let his guard down if thats the case

  8. I hate those. Just start with something simple like hey, what's up. Exchane a few words and if he says nothing say you wanna hang out sometime. Like as friends. That always works and if he says he's busy just say okay.

      Also, is he hot? oh also he probably has a crush on you because he is always smiling at you

  9. i f**t and runaway

  10. in the middle of the silence (count until about 7 seconds) say "well, this is an awkward silence!" trust me, it works. he will laugh or agree and start a conversation.  

  11. Just smile, and say, "What have you been up to?"

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