
Al Gore's documentary on global warming, An Inconvenient Truth, has a clip from a movie. What do you think?

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"It goes without saying that climate realists around the world believe Nobel Laureate Al Gore used false information throughout his schlockumentary An Inconvenient Truth in order to generate global warming hysteria. On Friday, it was revealed by ABC News that one of the famous shots of supposed Antarctic ice shelves in the film was actually a computer-generated image from the 2004 science fiction blockbuster 'The Day After Tomorrow.'" -




  1. I think that he is going to look quite foolish in the next couple of years considering the Solar Cycle data we are getting back currently...

  2. I think that the ultimate cost of this type of thing, aside from millions of dollars squandered on uselessness, is that it erodes respect for law, order, and government... which is at the heart of our most fierce problems today.

  3. It was just a movie.  The fact that it was done up like a movie doesn't change the science about global warming.

    If you want to know the science see the OFFICIAL statements of these organizations:

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    They ALL say global warming is real and mostly caused by us.

    EDIT - It IS just a movie.  Does anyone think the organizations above based their official positions on it?  Or that the Nobel Prize Committee gave the prize to the IPCC because of it.

    A British court found some details of the movie to go beyond the science.  They also said Gore was right about the basic scientific facts; global warming is real, mostly caused by us, a serious problem, capable of being solved by us.  Proof.

    People should research the science on this.  If you do, it's overwhelming.

  4. this from the web page "exposing liberal bias"? do you really think it is unbiased.

    BTW the inconvenient truth was just a way to teach the public the general idea of global warming. its like going to Hawking a brief history of time and then finding a error and then disproving relativity or the existence of Hawking radiation. you just can't logicaly do it but i guess that wont stop you.

    EDIT when did i say that? im just saying both attempted to explane scienct to the wider pulbic.

  5. all those words from everybody...I'll keep it brief: he's a liar, idiot & profiteer of the global warming hoax. carbon credits anyone? going cheap!, contact Al

  6. Just a movie? This prevarication fest is being used to indoctrinate our youth through unwarranted fear and exaggeration.

    Indoctrinate- To imbue with a partisan or ideological point of view.

  7. It wasn't just animated polar bears. The entire scene was faked from the bears to the Styrofoam ice bergs. These people who go for Al Bores junk failed to realize that Bore is in this for money. Money is his motivation. They are just following along blindly waiting for the next shock factor. Ever heard of Chicken Little?

  8. The quotes from the organizations are in question as they are rarely independent of some influence. One of the most often quoted is the UN organization. Anyone who believes the UN is impartial need just look at which nations are appointed to the council on human rights abuses. Climate change does exist, just look at the temperature differences we experience every year. If anything mankind does affects the climate is truly the question. Based on the statements by Gore and his backers you would have to imagine that the only reason the Earth ever exited an Ice Age was that too many trees were being cut for firewood by those early relatives of ours. And with that as their basis we should have all melted to goo many many years ago.

    Pollutions is something we should all strive to reduce, but not by the radical means that Gore touts, but does not follow.

  9. "AL GORE IS A d**n MORON"!

  10. Gore has made millions on some peoples stupidity. Global Warming should of been stopped immediately ,but the left wants to propagate 1 crises to another . Thus keeping the Republicans on defense. It has worked to a point. The true direction was against the Big oil Co. so now the left has given the oil Co an excuse to charge higher prices and they are doing it. This needs to be brought under control before the world economy is hurt.

  11. What these brainwashed Global Warming believers aren't up on is the fact that Scientists say that an Ice Age is coming.  

    We're back to tempuratures we were at in the 1930's.  Wake up, smell the cold air.  GW is a money making hysteria, nothing more.

    "This is the fastest temperature change in the instrumental record, and it puts us back to where we were in 1930," Chapman wrote in The Australian Wednesday. "If the temperature does not soon recover, we will have to conclude that global warming is over."


    EPW Fact of the Day: Clinton, Obama Sign Onto to Boxer’s $4,500 Climate Tax on American Families May 9, 2007

    Posted by Marc Morano - Marc_Morano@epw.Senate.Gov - 1:34 PM ET   Senate Environment & Public Works Chairman Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) have proposed the "Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act" aimed at combating climate change. The proposed partisan bill (S.309) is supported by another 15 senators, including: Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY); Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL); Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-CT); Sen. Joseph R. Biden (D-DE); Sen. Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI); Sen. Russell D. Feingold (D-WI); Sen. Daniel K. Inouye (D-HI); Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA); Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ); Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-VT); Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ); Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI); Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI); Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD), and Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD). FACT: A new MIT study concludes that the Sanders-Boxer approach would impose a tax-equivalent of $366 billion annually, or more than $4,500 per family of four, by 2015. And the annual costs will grow after 2015. [Read full MIT study]  The Kyoto Protocol would have imposed an equivalent tax of $300 billion a year, 10 times the size of the Clinton-Gore tax increase of 1993. In addition to the MIT study, a new Congressional Budget Office study released recently, details how a carbon cap-and-trade system would result in massive wealth redistribution from the poor and working class to wealthier Americans. [Read more on CBO study] Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), EPW Ranking Member, said today:

    "Carbon caps would artificially and needlessly raise the cost of energy the most on the people least able to afford it. It astounds me that any Senator could support such a proposal."

    Read Senator Inhofe's full opening statement from today's EPW subcommittee hearing [Link]  

    Global Cooling and Climate Cycles

    The exploitation of climate science for purely political goals has been occurring throughout the developed world for years. Not long ago, in the 1970s and 80s, many "climate experts" claimed certainty and consensus about global cooling. However, there is nothing especially unusual about the current weather and climate changes. In fact it is generally within long-term normal patterns.

    - The Cooling World --Newsweek, April 28, 1975.- Warming Over the Last Century by Roy Spencer, Senior Scientist for Climate Studies at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center- Temperatures Over the Last 2000 Years, by Roy Spencer- What if we get global cooling instead of warming? by Tim Ball- Early Explorers Documented Climate Change by Tim Ball

    Carbon Dioxide .....dangerous?

    Humans add to the green house gas concentration by exhaling, harvesting plants, and generating and releasing energy for our homes, cars, factories, etc. All of these actions involve hydrocarbons such as petroleum, coal, and natural gas. Carbon dioxide is not a byproduct or a pollutant but the intended result of energy production. The more efficiently one combusts hydrocarbon, the more CO2 one produces. For this reason, those who are that "energy efficiency" is the solution to global warming are wrong.

    - Global Warming, Humans, Carbon Dioxide---Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts? by Timothy Ball

    - World Temperature Falling Whilst CO2 Keeps Rising---New Proof- A Skeptic's Take on Global Warming by Bill Steigerwald of Human Events

    Tax Increases

    Americans are about to be hit with a $1.3 trillion tax increase if Al Gore and his radical climate alarmists push succeed in their agenda. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being pushed to create the largest expansion of government power in our nation's history. This massive tax scheme could cripple the economy and allow bureaucrats to tax air.

    - CBO Report Exposes Lieberman-Warner Bill's $1.2 Trillion Tax Increase by Marc Morano, Inhofe EPW Press Blog

    - Tim Ball, public speaker and climatology consultant says that the federal

    government is spending buckets of moneyPart 1, Part 2

    - EPW Fact of the Day: Clinton, Obama Sign Onto Boxer's $4,500 Climate Tax on American Families by Marc Morano

    Killing Our Economy?

    Spending hundreds of billions of dollars a year to "fight" global warming just doesn't make sense, and is more likely to ruin economies of first-world nations than make any significant impact.- Roy Spencer, author of Climate Confusion: How Global Warming Hysteria Leads to Bad Science, Pandering Politicians, and Misguided Policies that Hurt the Poor, says that there is nothing we can do--short of shutting down the global economy. More here- Wake Up Wal-Mart: Global Warming Regulation is Bad for Business by Thomas Borelli

    - Mutal Fund Calls on GE to Stop Advocating Global Warming Regulation by Steve Milloy of the Free Enterprise Action Fund- My Take on Gore and Global Warming by Larry Kudlow- Inhofe Praises President Bush for Rejecting Lieberman- Warner Bill

  13. gores movie is so phony the british courts say that teachers MUST point out the bad science and lies in it before showing it. it is a crying shame that school children must be indoctrinated in this phonieness at such a young age. why  are school children being exposed to politics at such a young age?

  14. Let me ask you this because you saw a representation of an atom instead of the real thing under a microscope would you totally refute their existence?

    The point being, its just a representation to help you understand. Anyone can tear down an argument if set up as a straw man.  IT seem you are looking for anything as prove that Gore is phony. Freud had a word for this. It's called projection.

  15. Not only were the ice sheet breaks Styrofoam, the polar bears were animated, and the film of Katrina was photoshoped to make the storm look 20% larger than it was in real life.

    Global warming is a hoax that can only be proven if it is lied about.

    The majority of studies that are generated to support global warming are done by "researchers" who never leave the lab.  They just study the studies and make their own opinions from what they read.

    This is specious science at best.....

  16. I think it's no more important than the fact that he used animated polar bears instead of real ones.  The neocons need to discover that politics is not a game of trivia.

  17. You people can rail against Al Gore all you want, but it doesn't change this...

    National Academy of Sciences...

    American Geophysical Union...

    Geological Society of America...

    With every mainstream scientific organization around the world with the same position, you are on the defensive. Y/A provides deniers with a nice little forum to express your frustration with reality. This is your last refuge, for scientific and public opinion is decidedly against you.

    Liss - there is a ladder leading up and out of the rabbit hole. You can climb it to escape, but be aware that reality is at the top.

  18. Boo! Al Gore!!!

  19. Climate change is a money and power grab scheme by the bottom feeder politicians and power brokers. It's nothing to do with ecology and everything to do with money.

    Con artists like Gore have enriched themselves on this issue, taking home Oscars, Nobel Prizes and millions of dollars. Meanwhile, evangelical leaders are setting up their flocks for extreme fleecing by leftist politicos like Barack Obama, who will appeal for Christian votes by talking in glowing, biblical-sounding terms about "being good stewards of God's creation."

    Here is truth about global warming:

    Global warming is one-half of the climatic cycle of warming and cooling.

    The earth's mean temperature cycles around the freezing point of water.

    This is a completely natural phenomenon which has been going on since

    there has been water on this planet. It is driven by the sun.

    Our planet is currently emerging from a 'mini ice age', so is

    becoming warmer and may return to the point at which Greenland is again usable as farmland (as it has been in recorded history).

    As the polar ice caps decrease, the amount of fresh water mixing with oceanic water will slow and perhaps stop the thermohaline cycle (the oceanic heat 'conveyor' which, among other things, keeps the U.S. east coast warm).

    When this cycle slows/stops, the planet will cool again and begin to enter another ice age.

    It's been happening for millions of years.

    The worrisome and brutal predictions of drastic climate effects are based on computer models, NOT CLIMATE HISTORY.

    As you probably know, computer models are not the most reliable of sources, especially when used to 'predict' chaotic systems such as weather.

    Global warming/cooling, AKA 'climate change':

    Humans did not cause it.

    Humans cannot stop it.

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