
Al Gore Logic - New Epidemic Exposed - Billions could DIE!?

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Science reveals mankind’s #1 killer - expert call it the #1 global concern now affecting our planet

Here is the scientific evidence. The facts are clear... the evidence indisputable.The numbers overwhelming.

Here are the facts.. which, let me reiterate are “clear, overwhelming & indisputable”

Scientists and experts alike have now discovered while

not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer

EVERYONE who has lung cancer drank water!

Statistics now show that EVERYONE who drinks water DIES!.

No exception.

Scientists accumulated and analyzed over 2000 years of data and have now substantiated that not one single person who ever drank water lived to tell about it.

So.. write your congressman, tell your neighbors.

Water is the new epidemic killer crisis that is killing all mankind.

Call your representatives and tell them to mandate all moneys available to“find an alternative to water"

If we don't, every human being on the planet today will be dead within the next 100 years,




  1. Well, let me ask YOU a question...

    If you could go back in time to November of 2000, who would you vote for? Al Gore or George W. Bush?

  2. It would solve the problem of housing, gas and food shortages!

  3. And just think, Al Gore could have been our president.


  5. Yes, and it was discovered that all forest fires are caused by.........Trees....

    A radio station in San Fran KNBR (Radio 68 by the Golden Gate...) back in the early 70's also promoted not eating pickles. They determined that 80% of people who died in air crashes had eaten pickles...within 3 months of their deaths...

    Sure hope Algore doesn't hear of these facts....

    ZIPPPPP....Back in time.....I cast my ballot for....G. Bush....AGAIN....AND Again....

    Bush has proven he has bad advise...Algore has proven he is just plan STUPID...

  6. Al Gore the high pope of the global warming mythos pseudoreligion has smoked a wee bit too much of the crack he is trying to sell.

    I seriously think this man lost his marbles back in the 80s when he and his wife were grilling Dee Snyder of "Twisted Sister" over explicit rock lyrics and back masking. Al took one too many hits off the bong, and someone was dropping blotter acid in the bong water maybe, his grandiousity shows me the old about about p**p floating to the top of the septic tank.

    Edit to Answer Sean's Question,

    I've vote for Bush again, few people recall the congressional hearings, let alone the Buffoon Al and his wife going on tyrades about rock music being evil for our kids. Al is off, Bush at least knows when to admit he's screwed the pooch and gets the picture we need to drill to get prices down FINALLY. They are both dopes, just one is less then the other. .

  7. Al gore just wants them to use water for fuel

    specs want water on wallgreed oops wallstreet

  8. HAHAHA!!!!  (cough * cough*)Great point, I'm calling my Senator now!

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