
Al Gore and Environmentalism?

by Guest60072  |  earlier

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If Al Gore is such an environmentalist expert and green advocator, why does he claim to have invented the internet, which then in turn violates his policies about using less energy in the world?




  1. I guess you would have every "environmentalist" stand perfectly still, so as to prove their point, ROFL.

    Gore never said he invented the internet, but that he took the initiative in creating it via legislation (see source link).

  2. Internet. Online conversations instead of traveling air miles.

    Traveling by air is the biggest section on people's carbon footprint.

  3. Mr. Gore is a politician ... usually that says enough about a persons values. However, that does not mean that he is not serious about helping clean our planet. We should be glad that at least a few rich people support better solutions to our pollution problems. The shy, the quiet, the middle and lower income folks could never muster enough cash or pure and simple ooomph to awaken the mentally dead or selfish anti-environmental folks. Like him or hate him but let's ask ourselves what exactly have we been doing to help this planet. Ask not what this country has provided for Gore, ask what we can do for this country ... to sort of paraphrase a famous quote from some other open minded "out of the box" thinker.

  4. He's just a publicity hound who doesn't even believe what he's telling us.  He lectures us about the need to save energy while personally using enough to power a small city and he has admitted that he lied in his movie.

  5. He's a money loving hypocrite plain and simple. Environmentalism just happens to be very popular these days, so that's what he chose to exploit to make madd dollaz.

  6. Well, that was like 10 years ago man, and he didn't single handily invent it.

    10 years ago, the environment and the issues that go along with ti were not as important or were not made very aware..

    And if you think about it, the internet doesn't really use all that much energy, it is how you use it.

  7. He didn't invent the internet.  He coined the term 'Information Superhighway'.

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