
Al Gore>Bono>Pope>Mother Teresa>Ghandi?

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Where would you rank the superstar oscar and Nobel peace prize winning ex-vice president?




  1. Last even after the people you failed to mention

  2. I won't participate, because you left out the two black winners.

    Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandela.

  3. Yassir Arafat, Benito moussolini, Josef Stalin, Jimmy Carter; I'd say that Gore ranks right up there with them too.

  4. Somewhere between Jimmy Carter and Yasir Arafat.

  5. Do you think people who dislike Vice President Al Gore - will loose their sleep because he won Nobel Prize?

    I bet hate-mongers will hate this....I don't know why republicans don't get Nobel Peace Prize? I bet Honorable d**k Cheney will get the peace prize next year....

    Do you think right winger will tell that Nobel Prize committee is Left winger? And thats the reason they hardly win anything....except Henry Kissinger

  6. Subcellar ... when idiots who "invented the internet" and delusions of grandeur start getting cash prizes from  the Nobel peace committee something is terribly wrong maybe they are selling out to the highest bidder.  I wonder who on the Democratic Committee greased whose palms to get that accomplished? Certainly wasn't the Clinton's.. or was it?.

    It has now become totally meaningless.. after Gore they should just burn it!  On the other hand all those other people are dead. Maybe there is hope!

  7. hmmm take the entire list put every other name first, then if you have a few more inches of paper left rip it off and toss it in to the garbage.  on that piece of paper is where you should find his name.

  8. A good person..not a low life GOPer( Goofy Old Pervs)  like Senator Craig and Pastor ted and on and on....

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