
Al Gore was vice president, not president, so is he the brains?

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behind this Man-made global warming scheme or is he just a puppet for some real sinister think tank ?




  1. I think it is great that after Bush won/stole the election he had to present Mr. Gore with a Nobel Peace about irony.  Bush starts a war, screws the economy, is commonly called the lame duck president and has to present the guy who he had to cry foul to his daddy about a Nobel Peace Prize.

    EDIT: Actually, the ceremony where people are given the award is just a ceremony.  The actually piece of gold is given by the leader of the country that the recipient calls home.  As far as people doubting a climate shift......go to school and look at the evidence.

  2. Actually, Comrade(captain) Planet was the mastermind.

    Watch "Captain Planet and the Planeteers" if you dont believe me.

    Especially pay attention to the last few minutes of the first episode, when the American says "why do we have to clean this up? its not like we caused it, and were not even getting paid!" To which the Soviet replies "Because we care, my sweet imperialistic dog."

    Im not joking.

  3. The last I heard, there is a judge in England wanting to sue Gore for 11 lies and copy right infringements since most of the pics. were from other documentaries.

    Lets not forget that he also invented the "Internet"!!!

    If you have ever seen the movie "wag the dog" I would say we are all being fed a line with everything from utilities to gas price to food prices.  The middle class is being eliminated.

    All I want to know is since the rich pay piratically no tax...who will fund welfare when 90% of us are on it?  I think in 2030 it will simply be called Social Security though.

  4. My apologies but I have to address the first Answerer, 'No Way'.

    The President of the United States does NOT present the Nobel Peace Prize to anybody, Numbnuts! Besides, after Yasir Arafat and Jimmy Carter have both received one they aren't worth c**p anymore. LOL!

  5. Al Gore is a money hungry b*****d, which that I can respect, but hes so full of c**p I can't figure out how he gets his pants on! He came up with agreat way to make money off of the uneducated, pseudo intellectual morons that fill our country by starting his own religion. And like many cult leaders before him, hes become very rich from his followers... I just hope they can steer clear of the "fruit punch"!!

  6. al gore long ago realized everyone wants to save the planet since noone wants to die right?

    so he screams were all gonna die!..give me huge sums of mony and ill make a speech and well save the planet and now years later he has all his brinless supporters doinbg all the screaming for him while he collects all his royalties by preying on the weak people that cant think but can only hear certain keywords such as GLOBAL WARMING MEANS WE WILL DIE

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