
Al Gore won the election in 2000 and Bush was a baby!?

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Al Gore WON the election in 2000 but Bush was a baby about it. Who else thinks this?




  1. thats a dream.

  2. No he didn't, get over it its been 8 freakin years, now your about to lose another one due to incompetance

  3. No one that knows the facts. Every major newspaper recounted the ballots and all confirmed Bush won by half a thousand votes.

  4. You need to get on with your life!

    But, remember, Al Gore is the one who cried about losing.

  5. This is the great Democratic Party myth that will live on and on. Some journalists paid to recount the hanging chads using the four most common methods of determining whether or not the votes count. Three methods, including that mandated by Florida law said that Bush still won. Only the fourth said that Gore won. I can't find the actual article but I can find a report that covers the report.

    It does seem unfair that Gore lost in 2000 because he did get more popular votes. However, Bush did win in accordance with the US Constitution and only a constitutional amendment could prevent a similar result in the future.

    I do think that the US should adopt a Federal elections law, dictating electoral procedures for federal elections, determining hours of voting and who may and who may not get a postal vote. As a foreigner looking on, I find it very odd that polling hours and procedures vary from state to state.

  6. I believe Al Gore took it to the supreme court, not Bush.

  7. Al Gore did not get the number of electoral votes needed under the Constitution of the United States to be elected President.  On the other hand, President George Bush did receive the number of electoral votes needed to be elected President.  This issue has been resolved for eight years.  Get a life.

  8. Nobody thinks anymore, not even Gore (Manbearpig).   Are they still teaching that in the government schools?

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