
Al-Qahtani - Suicide or Death Penalty?

by Guest59348  |  earlier

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In the news this AM, AP reports that Al-Qahtani, "the 20th hijacker" tried to kill himself:

"Al-Qahtani made the suicide attempt after learning military prosecutors filed capital charges against him and five other Guantanamo prisoners for their alleged roles in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

"I cannot accept this injustice," the lawyer quoted him as saying. "If I have to stay in this jail, I want to put an end to this suffering."

Of course, I don't have any sympathy for this guy but it would be interesting to know what's going through his mind.

Is it a Muslum thing? Is there more honor in suicide that public execution?

Is he worried of being tortured more while awaiting trial?

If you have any real insight into this, I'd really appreciate hearing from you.




  1. His life should be saved so he can be executed later. He dies on our terms, not his.

  2. Do you actually understand what has been done to Mohammed Al-Qahtani? Yes, perhaps he deserves to die for September 11th, but no one deserves to be tortured and degraded in the way that he has been. The Americans have stepped way over the line with their torture policies. If he has to be executed then so be it, but he should have the rights of a prisoner of war under the Geneva Conventions and should be safe from torture.

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