
Alaska - do you live there? Please answer this....?

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I have no ideas what it is like to live there. saw a question and the answer was to buy frozen chicken and could not imagine this.

Can anyone tell me what it is like there?

Shops, weather, getting around, living, education, pleasure, hobbies etc Just curious





  1. I live in Fairbanks, AK.  Moved here four years ago and love it!  There are just miles and miles of untouched land, get to see the Aurora Borealis in the winter, summers are amazing!  Long days, midnight barbecues, sunsets that last for hours.  Winter is cold (coldest I've seen is -60) and you have to dress in layers (lots of layers!) but you get through it.  You have to plug in your car to keep the engine warm when you're not driving, but it's a very minor inconvenience.  

    We do keep a large freezer with various frozen goods, just in case the temperatures dip below -50, you really don't want to be carrying groceries across a parking lot in that kind of cold unless you have to!  The freezer also helps because you can buy expensive items like meats when they are on sale throughout the year, and keep them frozen, so you get to save money in the long run.

    Winter sports are popular, especially hockey, snowboarding and dog mushing.  Every season offers opportunities for outdoor activities.  We have world-class salmon fishing!  Summers are beautiful with average temperatures in the 70s.  

    As far as shopping and entertainment, we have the basics in Fairbanks.  Movie Theater, Historical Parks, upscale restaurants, nightclubs and bars, art galleries.  Then of course there's Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe's, Safeway, Sears, Gottschalks.  There's also Chili's, Boston's, and just about every fast food place you can think of.  Anchorage, AK offers even more in terms of shopping and dining.

    School system is good, and Fairbanks is home to University of Alaska, which offers some wonderful programs and has a small museum.

    Getting around is no more difficult than any other city in the US.  We have cabs and public transportation, although the buses stop running at 10pm most nights.

    Our city is big but has a small-town feel.  It seems like everyone knows everyone else.  People here look out for each other and I have met some of the most interesting, kind and giving people you could imagine.  There is also a huge outpouring of support for the military.  I've heard many other military wives comment that of all the places they've been, Fairbanks is the best when it comes to supporting our troops and their families.  In my personal experience, it is hard to go anywhere without having someone thank me for my Husband's service, or the sacrifices I make to help keep our country safe.  In Fairbanks, it's hard to feel alone.

    The closest city to us is North Pole, AK, about 15 minutes away.  North Pole is comprised of suburbs, mainly, and boasts a Christmas theme year-round!  In North Pole, you'll find the Santa Claus House, and street names such as Santa Claus Lane and Kris Kringle Drive, as well as street lamps striped like candy canes!

  2. Have a read of this... :)

  3. i would like to know the same things. i plan on going to college there. =)

  4. I have lived here my whole life there is lots of hunting, fishing, and guide services to go along with it. You can hike,boat,snow shoe ect. Living here in Alaska is pretty expensive one of the most as a matter of fact. Getting around you can rent a car take a taxi or buy a car same as pretty much any where else you go,the state has high tourism rate and of course the pfd. We are pretty limited here high shipping cost raise the price of everything from groceries to cars. I am thinking of moving out of state just for the less expensive cost of living. The weather here is pretty cold comparably to other states, in the 60's in the summer and can get to -30 below in the winter or colder. January and February are generally are coldest months of the year but the winters here are long and cold, so if that is something your interested in move here. Education is ok still limited, this is a great state if you love the wild life and the cold weather, also if you have a good education already because in my opinion there are not allot of options for people who don't have at least 2-4 years of college if you do great if you don't then you might be stuck working at the gas station for minimum wage. Hope this helps.

  5. no

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