
Alaska is close to Russia? Is possible that Georgian conflict will spill over the border into U.S?

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"I just hope they don't make me eat none of them d**n fish eggs."




  1. Russia knows we will shoot back and still have ALL our Nukes. Not likely they would cross our borders. Russia has a history of attacking their own neighbors when America is busy in a conflict elsewhere. All you have to do is pay attention to history.

    Palin is a poor choice. Against women's rights, Cram religion illegally down our throats in public schools in direct violation of the US Constitution. Supported the $700 Million dollar bridge to Nowhere Island Alaska, and spent a half million Tax payer's dollars to paint a fish on an airplane used in Alaska.

    She can't even teach her teenage daughter to keep her legs closed or what condoms and birth control devices are for.

    This was the last straw for me, John McCain lost my vote because of her and his own weak policies of the same GOP failed policies. Don't worry, I never vote democrat. This year, Libertarian candidate Bob Barr.

  2. Get a map. Our Georgia is closer than that one.

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