
Alaska population is 680k - is the 'executive' exp. for Palin a stretch? ?

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I mean c'mon, I pass that many people on my 20 min daily commute to work. But the mantra cons are chanting is that she has 'executive' experience, which somehow trumps Obama (and McCains for that matter since he has no executive experience either).

How can a real argument be made that she is ready to be commander in chief? McCain is old and has health issues so his VP pick has more importance to it as much as the GOP wants to deny it.




  1. You're not being honest:

    First of all we are talking about EXECUTIVE  experience,

    2nd, She rose to the top while taking on Big Oil establishment,

    3rd, she is considered an expert on energy

    4th, she advocates drilling, which is instep with how most Americans feel.

    5th, She has an 80-plus% approval rating.

    6th, (and this may mean nothing to you) she is a mother, and is no floozy.  


  2. Quite a stretch...a really desperate stretch.

  3. Ah, okay, so you're going for the "My state is more important than hers," pitch. Her decisions would carry the same weight if the state had 100 million people.

  4. It is a non-issue.  That would be a great asset if she were running for President.  She's not.  And unless McCain knows the date of his death, it doesn't matter.

  5. I don't think that McCain actually thinks that Palin is a good choice for VP. She is in control of the land that holds Americas Oil Reserves. McCain wants to drill for oil so he tells Palin that she can be VP if we can drill on her land....

  6. You pass 680,000 people in 20 minutes?  How fast do you drive?

    And Palin is still the only one of the four (Palin, McCain, Biden, or Obama) who has ever managed a municipality at any level, no matter how underpopulated it is.

  7. it doesnt matter the #people she has experience running a government, and health care plan, National Guard,

    Obama also has no foreign policy experience to be called Commander in chief. But she is not running for President, and she compliments what McCain does not offer.

    So dont even complain about her experience, Obama runs for office, more than he has ran an office. He is a in bed with a democratic issue, and he chose the most senior Senator, after promising Change.

    You make it sound like McCain is going to die, and the next day Palin will have to chose push the button.

    She will be surrounded by the pentagon, homeland security, CIA, FBI

    or who ever she needs. Not all Presidents are the prefect candidate for Commander in Chief, look at Clinton, look at G W.

  8. If the executive experience for Palin isn't enough how about none for the whole Democratic ticket?

  9. Thank u, for clarifying that.  I was watching CNN the day McCain announced his VP selection of Sarah Palin and frankly...the reporter was trying to get one of the RNC folks to specify exactly what that "executive" experience really was...and all the woman could do was repeat (like a broken record) Palin has executive experience.  What they won't tell you is that her executive experience is (as you stated) a real stretch of the truth.  She has small town experience and no National or International "executive" experience at all.  For Palin, her VP position would turn into an internship on National and International issues.  

    The impression made is that McCain is basing his selection of VP on an assumption (a failed one) that women voters will more likely vote for a woman on the Republican ticket than seriously examine the candidate's track record and history regarding the issues that matter to them.  I think McCain and company are in for rude awakening come election day.

  10. Your argument is foolish.

    Democrats are desperately grasping at straws to tear down a great candidate with little success.

    All they're doing is pointing out the FLAWS of their own insufficient candidates.

    Delaware has 850K residents and Biden hasn't run a thing - except his mouth.

    He's been depply entrenched in the Good Old Boy Network in Washington since Richard Nixon was President.

    Sarah Palin was 9 years old when Biden was elected.

    What has Biden done???????

    Since Palin was first elected in 1992, she has served on the City Council and Mayor of her hometown where she lowered taxes, cut spending and cleaned up the ethics.

    She did such a good job that she was appointed at head of the State Ethics Commission where she took on members of her OWN PARTY and kicked them out of office.

    Then as Director of the powerful State Oil and Gas Commission, she took on the Big Oil Companies and WON.

    The money she got from them was returned to the citizens of Alaska.

    What have Obama and Biden done?

    Talk, talk, talk.

    That's NOT the type of "natural GAS" we're looking for.

    Palin ran against the powerful 3-term governor of Alaska in the primary and beat him in a tough race.

    Obama couldn't beat Black Panther Bobby Rush in a primary for State Senate the first time he ran.  This race is the firs thard one he's ever had.

    Palin went on to beat a very popular former governor to win the Alaska governor's office.

    A prominent newspaper in Alaska says that Palin has done more in her 2 years in office than her predecessor had done in his 12-years in office.

    As Commander of the Alaska National Guard, Palin is responsible for their training and deployment within Alaska.

    She visited HER own troops in Iraq long before Obama bothered to go, and she also visited the Lanstuhl Military Hospital on her way home to visit wounded troops.

    Neither Obama nor Biden has military experience or background.

    She is in charge of Alaska's health care system, which includes services to the Native American population.

    How much more do you want?

    This woman is head and shoulders above Obama and Biden.

    A union member, not just saying.

    Actually GOES to the PTA.

    And not bad looking either.

    Somehow she does all this with FIVE kids.

    Men are loving this.

    Women all over America are cheering.

    Except for crabby Democrats.

    The GOP's gain is the Democrats loss.

    Deal with it.

    You wouldn't ask this question if she were a Democrat or a man.

  11. There are people in Big Cities in lowver 48 states that have Paper Routes larger than that............

    Hockey Mommy .........

  12. No but thsnks for asking

  13. Well since Obama has zero experience, then I would say Sarah is over qualified for the job. Sarah has More experience then Obama and Joe Biden put together. On their best day they couldn't hold a candle to Sarah. Oh well Obama had his chance, to make Sarah his VP, and he pretty much blew it. Democrat for McCain/Palin 2008.

  14. Obama is inexperience. A Washington insider who wants change because he has certain liberal agendas he wants to implement.

  15. And the Democrats choice for VP is Joe Biden, whose home state is Delaware - population 864,000.

    Alaska is the largest state in the Union - 656,424 sq mi.

    Alaska's GSP is 39.9 Billion dollars.

    Alaska's North Slope produces 400,000 barrels of oil a day. Alaska has large deposits of coal and offers some of the highest hydroelectric power potential in the country from its numerous rivers. Large swaths of the Alaskan coastline offer wind and geothermal energy potential as well.

    Delaware is 2,490 sq. miles - 49th in the Union.

    What's your point?

  16. You're forgetting about all the Polar Bears and Caribou.

  17. Delaware, home of Biden is not much bigger. And what is this stuff about McCain Palin supporting  Big Oil? Palin is the only candidate who has fought the interests of big oil....and won.

  18. I think this woman is going to use her Downs Syndrome baby to get herself elected. Yell all you want, but just watch. And if I had a special needs child you can be d**n sure I woild be there.

  19. There is also over 500,000 square miles of it to manage. With the oil and fishing industries in the state it is not an easy task. One h**l of a lot more complex to manage then Arkansas but that didnt stop you from bowing to Clinton did it?

  20. I agree completely and would like to add that I think it's a shame McCain thinks Hillary's voters will fall for this lame ploy.

    It's also scary to know Palin will be in charge of our country should McCain die.

    ezmee--She does not have more experience than Biden and Obama combined. Biden has 30+ years of Senate experience alone.

  21. Palin is a useless dog. Forget about her. I'm sure everyone on here will after Obama wins. A few years from now, people will say, "Hey, that guy McCain, who was his running mate?" And you'll answer, "I donno."  

  22. How many people have you managed?  I've never supervised more than two or three people at a time, but I think I'm a pretty good executive and could manage the biggest economy in the world while half drunk.

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