Im 16, and have recently taken interest in this. I realize its a tough job, and dangerous. But for some reason it interest me alot. I think im pretty hardworking, dnt quit till I get the job done. Work fairly well under pressure. Do whatever Im told to and dont ask questions. Very mentally strong. Can go a really long time, and can work with little sleep. I usually only get about 2-3 hours of sleep, and can go for about 2, 3 days at a good pace. How do I go along getting a job like this? I know im not old enough, but just for reference. Thanks.
8 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.
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8 hours ago
Also, anything I can do now to prepare myself for this? Should I go to college first? Or try to do a season or 2 first, etc?
Im Very ambitious, and need to know these things, for personal reasons.