
Albert Camus once wrote...what does this quote mean exactly?

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"Blessed are the hearts that can bend,they shall never be broken."





  1. Flex ability is the key to success. Have you ever seen a Yoga Master made out of glass? Hm mm I don't remember him ever sounding that cheery. He must have been high when he said that.

  2. I'm guessing that what he may have meant was that even if a person is very badly hurt emotionally, it doesn't destroy him/her, and the individual is able to learn from it and still carry on.  

    Or it could just mean that those hearts are so grounded in contentment that the actions of others don't affect them that much.  

    Or it could mean that one allows loved ones a tremendous amount of leeway, and so even if they do something abhorrent, one can still focus on the core of love that is there.  Somewhere.  

    Or it could mean that though love is no longer given, the memory is still cherished and accounted sufficient, under the circumstances.  

    Or something else.  

    It's really hard to guess, taken out of context.

  3. it just means that it helps to be flexible and to be able to take some punches in life without breaking.  many cultures have the same saying in other words, for example in asia they often say it is better to be able to bend with the wind, like bamboo than to be stiff and therefore breakable.  it means, basically, to be resilient and able to bounce back.

  4. Really exactly what it says...

    But....EVERYONE should have their heartbroken at least makes you appreciate things so much more...and you'll think twice before setting someone else up for heartache..if you think your heart can never be are a poor soul indeed...

    The quote is kind-of a tongue-in-cheek saying (for lack of better words right now)...

  5. i guess that  if someone is pure of heart, they will never get hurt.  ?

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