
Albert Einstein married his 1st cousin maternally and his second cousin paternally? I'm confused?

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That is what I read on Wiki. Can anyone give me a simple Family Tree on how this happened? I'm really confused how you can marry your cousin on your mother's side at the same time they are your 2nd cousin on your father's side. Thanks




  1. Well now I know why he had to come up with the theory of relativity!

  2. It means that Albert Einstein's aunt(from mother's side)and his uncle(from his father side)

    had been married and their daughter was his cousin from both mother and father side.

    Is it clear?

  3. dont feel bad  he  was confused too, anyone  that  marries  their  kin  is  really  confused

  4. wel..its a cultural thing. certain cultures and religions allow to marry cousins...not SIBLINGS...but cousins.

    so if that grosses you are just not culturally sensitive or you are a stuck up.

  5. he married his 1 st cousin from his mom side and his 2nd cousin from his dads side.  

  6. the cousin was obviously related to both his mother and father.  Maybe his aunt was married to his 1st cousin and the child they produced made the cousin...? Does that help?

  7. that is really gross, it means his parents are cousins of each other as well.

  8. maybe because it was back in the day and laws were different.

  9. first cousins share the same grandparents.  second cousins share the same great grandparents.

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