
Albino Burmese Python?

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How do you tame an albino burmese python? Also how long did it take you to tame the snake? We just got a 3 month old female albino burmese python a few days ago, and we don't know how to go about taming her. We have a red tail boa and 2 ball pythons, but those snakes are very tame and can do anything to them, the albino on the other hand looks like it will bite you if you stick your hand in the tank. Help please :)




  1. The only way to tame a snake is to be persistent and handle it no matter it's protests. Some heavy duty gloves and a snake-pole may be required to remove it from its cage.

    Once you have it out don't put it back until it is calm and repeat this daily.

    Another little trick is to put a piece of worn clothing in the cage with the snake so it gets used to your scent.

    Basically, the only way to tame it is to hold it - a lot, and don't let it intimidate you. And remember, this is a snake you NEED calm, an adult Burmese Python is one of the last snakes you'd want angry at you.

  2. You cannot really "tame" a snake. You may have the snake used to being handled, but there is never a "tame" snake. When you try to get the python used to you try this:

    When you pick up the snake, pick it up quickly before it can react. This helped me with my aggressive king snake and may or may not work with your snake. Not all snakes are the same and at different times could get used to you. When you handle the snake, and if it bites, let it bite you. This tells the snake he/she is invited to bite you and let's it know that you aren't going to hurt it. Do not drop the snake or make any sudden movements in front of it if it happens to nip you. This is one of the many things that can set off a snake. Be cautious when holding the snake, don't take it anywhere else but the spot you are in. Just let the snake get used to you before you take it around your area.

    Good luck with your python :)

  3. Hi,

    You have to handle her everyday otherwise she'll never get used to you.

    Burmese pythons are usually quite 'tame' and good natured so you shouldn't have too many problems.

    Keep in mind that she's still very young and could see you as a threat still, especially if she wasn't handled much where ever you got her from.

    Persistence is the key here :)

  4. it all depends on the snake really.  we had 2 blood pythons (had to rehome them when we moved cross country) and one was very sweet you could literally fall asleep with her laying on you with no worries.  the boy was all snake though.  he was fiesty.  we could pick him up but no one else could really handle him except for me my husband my father in law and the vet...that was it.  no matter how much we handled him he just wouldn't calm down.  also we have a ball python that usually gets into a defensive posture when we go to get her out of her tank but it doesn't mean anything at all.  

    the best thing to do is handle the snake a every day except for the day that you feed her and then leave her alone for a day or two after feeding.  of course don't handle her during shedding either.  also when you feed her use a feeding tub...if nothing else put her in the bathtub when you feed her.  that way she won't associate your hand with feeding time when you put your hand in her tank to take her out.  a feeding tub will also keep your snake from getting substrate in her mouth which could lead to problems.  

    another thing...once your snake hits 7' long never handle her without another person there.  no matter how much she calms down.  things can happen.  

    when you get her out if she is on the ground when you go to pick her up stand over the mid part of your snake and reach down and with one hand grab her at mid body lift up and put your other hand under the upper part of her body.  that way if she does strike you are more likely to be able to move out of the way.  of course once she calms down you won't have to worry about that so will probably be able to sit in the floor with her and let her get part of her body in your lap.

    good luck!!
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