
Alchemy deck?

by  |  earlier

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ASAP what are cards I should take out

after answering rate PLEASE.

The deck



2 Bazoo soul eater

Gren Maju de eiza

2 Kycoo the ghost destroyer

dimensional alchemist

2 D.D warrior lady

D.D warrior

D.D assailant

Helios Trice megistus

Cyber jar

D.D Survivor

2 Aqua Spirit

2 Flying Kamakiri #1

2 Garuda the Wind Spirit

2 Giant Rat

Golden Homunculus

2 Helios - The Primordial Sun

2 Helios Duo Megistus

2 Mother Grizzly

2 Spirit of Flames

2 The Rock Spirit

2 UFO Turtle


2 Chaos End

2 Chaos Greed

Graceful Charity

D.D Reincarnation

2 Dark core

Gravekeeper srvant

Heavy Storm

Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Dark core

3 Smashing Ground

2 Soul Release

lighting vortex

D.D capsule

miracle dig

2 grand convergance

2 dimensinal fissure


2 Elemental Absorber

2 Macro Cosmos

1 Return from the Different Dimension

2 bottomless trap hole

karma cut

radiant mirror force

return from the different dimension

P.S and Zoma the spirit plz hlp plz




  1. ok this deck has way to much to even keep half of this stuff. heres a deck list you should use.( it removes your opponents stuff/draw out deck/beat down>all at the same time.)

    total cards-50


    x3 caius the shadow monarch

    x3 dd warrior

    x1 dd warrior lady

    x3 exiled force

    x1 dd assailent

    x2 dd surviver

    x2 demensional alchemist

    x1 kycoo the ghost destroyer

    x1 Bazoo soul eater

    x1 sangan

    x3 needle worm


    x3 dimensinal fissure

    x3 D.D Reincarnation

    x1 heavy storm

    x2 lightning vortex

    x2 dark core

    x2 soul release


    x2 negate attack

    x3 sakuretsu armor

    x1 waboku

    x1 bottomless trap hole

    x3 karma cut

    x2 by order of the emporer

    x1 zoma the spirit

    x1 seven tools of the bandit

    x1 trap jammer

    x1 magic jammer

    (side these)

    x1 brain control

    x1 monster reborn

  2. illegal and it sucks anyway i cant fi it as there is too much to fix sorry

  3. Cyber Jar = BANNED

    D.D. Warrior Lady = LIMITED to 1

    Graceful Charity = BANNED

    Smashing Ground = LIMITED to 1

    Return from the Different Dimension = BANNED

    For starters, combining the Elemental searchers into a D.D. deck is just plain stupid. Their effects only work when sent to the grave, which is what D.D. decks work to stop. Your strategies contradict each other.

    Here's a decklist that tries to stick to the TRUE alchemy theme.

    Monsters: 21

    2 Caius the Shadow Monarch

    3 D.D. Survivor

    2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

    2 Homunculus the Alchemic Being

    1 Golden Homunculus

    1 Snipe Hunter

    2 D.D. Scout Plane

    2 Gren Maju De Eiza

    2 Helios the Primordial Sun

    2 Helios Duo Magistus

    2 Helios Trice Magistus

    Spells: 13

    3 Dimensional Fissure

    1 Reinforcement of the Army

    2 Grand Convergance

    1 Lightning Vortex

    1 Smashing Ground

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation

    1 Brain Control

    1 Soul Exchange

    Traps: 7

    2 Macro Cosmos

    1 (Radiant) Mirror Force

    1 Torrential Tribute

    2 Bottomless Trap Hole

    1 Return from the Different Dimension

    Total: 41 cards
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