
Alcohol abuse & liver damage?

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please suggest alternative as well any other therapy to stop alcohol abuse & control lever damage including do;s & don't;s in diet, any kind of medicine including ayurveda or any other medicine to reverse liver damage. & alcohol craving. will appreciate highly. i live in mumbai, india




  1. stop drinking or get help in doing so.

    apparently milk thistle helps with liver damage, i used to take it daily with the hope it would stop/reverse any harm i was causing my liver but i decided that i shouldn't be looking for something to reverse the damage but to stop inflicting it in the first place.

    good luck

  2. is there A.A in india  that is the best if not you got to do it on your own and that is possible  get a copy of the 12 steps in aa and follow that  you need some supportive friends  you cant reverse liver damage but you can slow the progression  you must stop drinking  now  you can do it   a day at a time sometimes 15 minutes at a time  just tell yourself  i am not going to drink today  maybe tomorrow but not today and when the next day comes you say the same thing  it works  work the 12 steps  good luck

  3. i know one of a good officer due to some problem he addicted to hot drinks and very badly he used to consume and at one  stage he lost his life,

  4. Probably the best food for liver health is beetroot.

    If you are not capable of drinking in moderation then you might have to quit completely and find some more constructive and productive activity such as charity work to replace your self destructing boozing hobby.

    It sounds as though you are a practicing alcoholic and it is much better to be a non-practicing alcoholic.  A non-practicing alcoholic is often referred to as a "cured" alcoholic but there is no such thing as a teetotaller who used to be a practicing alcoholic has now become a non-practicing alcoholic.

  5. The foremost & important thing to do is to stop drinking alcohol completely and put a halt to the insidious havoc that alcohol wreaks .............. to do that there are a variety of support groups out there which may or may not be suitable ........  i know for me going to a support group was completely self defeating as my social skills were pathetic to say the least ........  i had no choice but to rely on sheer stubborn, willpower and determination to reclaim my health & vitality.

    Milk thistle is reputedly extremely beneficial for the  protection of liver cells by blocking the absorption of harmful toxins and aiding their removal from the liver cells.  Milk thistle (or the Silybin contained therein) is also a powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger that helps protect from the harmful effects of free radicals produced from our own metabolism and exposure to toxins .......... it would be prudent for you to discuss the use of this herb with a nutritionally oriented physician or naturopath to see if it is suitable for you to use.

    Dandelion tea works wonders on a sluggish liver (the primary filtering organ of the body), gall bladder (which produces bile to assist the digestion of fatty foods) and spleen ( an organ producing new red blood cels), and it also encourages bowel action and reduces fluid retention. Drinking Dandelion tea is one of the most effective ways to detox your body and remove unwanted toxins, because it stimulates digestive enzymes and bile to allow the easier metabolism of fatty foods.

    Dandelion tea is excellent for ridding the body of excess fluid because, as the tea leaves contain high amounts of potassium, the body is not depleted of this important mineral through the diuretic effect of the tea♥

    Ensure, for therapeutic purposes, that you buy organic Dandelion leaf as the commercial or teabag varieties have had so much of their essential oils pulverised from them. Another reason to use organic is one of the properties of the Dandelion plant is to absorb metal pollutants from the atmosphere ~ as such organic really is essential. Add raw organic honey to taste if you like as the taste can be quite bitter ..... or lemons or limes if you like the tartness♥;

    2 - 3 teaspoons per teapot would be sufficient♥By buying the organic variety, the essential oils are still so potent that the spent leaves could be reused 2 - 3 times ~ simply refill the pot with hot water and rebrew for 15 - 20 minutes.♥

    Limit your intake of Dandelion tea to a period of say 2 - 3 weeks at a time ........ have rest periods in between using it ♥

    Drink loads and loads of fresh filtered water to ensure that you are properly hydrated on a daily basis and to give your body it's best opportunity to function at peak levels ♥

    Take a multi B complex tablet including all the B's ie: B1, B2 B3, B5, B6 and B12 as they work best synergistically (together)....... do not take any of the B complex of vitamins individually, but rather as a whole complex, unless specifically instructed to by a nutritionally oriented physician or naturopath.

    The B complex of vitamins is essential for healthy neural, digestive and immune system functioning and will help you enormously in dealing with the stress of detoxing from alcohol and just for dealing with the stresses of everyday life.

    Eat loads of fresh raw (or lightly steamed) fruit and leafy greens and vegies in their raw and natural state to provide your body with the essential enzymes your body needs for effective digestion, avoid stimulants such as  caffeine, tea, sodas and soft drinks, avoid prepackaged and junky type sugar & fat laden food, avoid foods to which you are intolerant ..................... make gradual changes with your food & lifestyle though for to do all of these things at once could possibly be a worse shock to your system that could lead to unwanted stress related medical problems ...;0)

    You need to find effective ways of dealing with your stress levels too such as yoga or meditation or plain old simple running in the park or riding your bike ..............  exercise and sweating it out will do brilliant things for your stress levels and reducing the toxic load on your body ♥

    I sincerely do wish you the very best of health & vitality and hope that this information is useful for you ♥



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