
Alcohol & age limit?

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I've read that a study has been done and they're suggesting that the age limit for alcohol should be changed to 18, in California. Do you think this is a good idea?




  1. no,

    there is too much DUI its not good for anyone to drink but under the age of 21

  2. no i don't necessarily think so because the maturely level isn't there yet the age doesn't seem right and not thinking responsiblty some are still in high school . some could bring booze to underage parties not a good idea !


  4. I think the age limit for alcohol consumption should be eliminated completely.  The penalties for public intoxication and drunk driving should be increased at the same time.  

    The reason that teen drinking is a problem is that it is a new experience that is forbidden to them.  This causes teens to attempt to push the limits and drink alcohol before they are of age.  It also causes those that are of age to do more binge and power drinking.  If children were raised with the ability to drink at the parents discretion, they would be less likely to feel the need to power drink as teens.  It wouldn't be a big deal.

  5. no

    but kids drink whether its legal or not

    starting around the age 13

    so i really dont think it will make much of a difference

  6. Yes I think it is a good idea.  The voting age is 18, you can go to prison at 18, and you can join the military at 18.  So why the phony righteous act of 21 for the drinking age?  If our country thinks that our young men and women are smart enough to choose the next President of the United States and die for their country at 18 why not drink?  We have laws against drunk driving which should be reinforced regardless.  A drunken idiot at 21 is no smarter than a drunken idiot at 18.  Therefore the age should be 18.  If the government still wishes to keep the drinking age at 21 then they should lift the draft and voting age.  

    Once again you can be sentenced to adult prison at 18 years of age, then why should you not be considered an adult to drink?

    **Once again laws like this just shows our government's hypocrisy***

  7. Judging by the age limit (!8) in the UK it will make little or no difference!

    Teenagers will drink whatever the legal limits

    I cycled with mates at 17 (The Farmers Arms) and had my "first pint" but, in reality had been enjoying an odd cider for at least 5 years before!

    Never did me any harm!

    I think the proposal for Calfornia is  immaterial!
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