
Alcohol and Ibuprofen?

by Guest55991  |  earlier

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I drank last night and I woke up with a massive hangover, how long should I wait to take some Ibu?




  1. There's really no interaction between alcohol and Ibuprofen. You can take it Ibuprofen as long as you take it with food.

  2. take them now they won't harm you as long as you stick to the stated dose and eat something as not to be taken on a empty stomach

  3. Hangovers can be really bad after doing alot of drinking. Here is how to treat your hangover.

    Drink water as soon as you get up in the morning to rehydrate yourself. If possible, have a sports drink. The electrolytes and nutrients in a sports drink can replenish your body's depleted reserves.

    Step2 Drink even more water if you plan to have coffee. Caffeine is a mild diuretic and can contribute to dehydration.

    Step3 Stick to liquids that are at room temperature. Drinks that are excessively hot or cold will be even more of a shock to your struggling stomach.

    Step4 Take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as aspirin or ibuprofen to relieve a pounding headache or body aches.

    Step5 Eat easily digestible foods when you're ready. Fresh fruit, toast and water-based soups are all easy on the stomach. Harder-to-digest foods such as eggs and milk can cause stomach problems.

    Step6 Relax, rest or go back to bed. Allow some time for your body to feel positive effects from your treatments. You can take ibuprofen which is found in Advil,Motrin or the generic. Avoid Tylenol because combining acetaminophen and alcohol can do harm to your liver.

  4. You don't have to wait. Just take one. They say you shouldn't take pills while intoxicated, before you go to bed. It's hard on your body but hours after is ok.

  5. I have heard having homemade little greasy soup is good to

    eat before you go out to party;I have a friend who swears by

    drinking water before bed to prevent it,and if you are on any

    meds don't take Ibu but if you're o.k. w Ibu take it when you

    wake up(provided the alcohol has had time to be processed

    by your body)

  6. Both the alcohol and ibuprofen are hard on your liver!  Drink water or even better if you have some pedialite.  This will get you over the hang-over the fastest.  If you must have something for the headache, take aspirin.  It will tear up your stomach though!
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