
Alcohol consumption and behavior ?

by Guest66987  |  earlier

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Here is how I feel about drinking. I seriously have ZERO respect for most alcoholics but only one uncle of mine is one. When I drink, I drink to get buzzed. I drink wine or vodka bc the concentration is higher. I do NOT drink every day. I drink maybe 3 times/week and when I do, I drink about 4 drinks. I drink alone most of the time but sometimes when I go out with friends. In the past, my husband used to tell me I got too slap happy when I drank and he threatened to leave but he didn't and I don't hit anymore...EVER... I just did it joking around anyway but he didn't like it. I can control that. Sometimes I feel like an idiot after I drink, but I do it to also loosen up in social settings or when I'm stressed. Are all of you the same way? Is this problematic or normal?




  1. drinking is never good for you. but if you must stay at home.

  2. Drinking 4 drinks 3 out of 7 days is excessive. I'm not saying it will lead to problems but it could for some.

  3. If people around you are saying you have a problem, you have a problem.

    You need to cut back on the drinking, and if you can't do it alone, there's help.


    Alcohol/Drug Abuse Hotline 1-800-333-4444 Information and Resources

    Alcoholics Anonymous

    Grand Central Station

    P.O. Box 459

    New York, N.Y. 10163


  4. drinking that often can become a problem i drink but maybe once a week most people don't drink 3-4 times a week you know its a problem if you feel you need a drink or two mostly when by yourself please be careful

  5. This is problematic for sure.  My father is a recoverd Alcholic who drank because he was shy and liked the way it made him feel and made his personality better.  He drank till he was in his 50's and then went to AA. He started when he was 17 drinking.  Stop now before you cannot stop.  

  6. I think it's normal to a degree.  We all have our ways of unwinding, or destressing, just make sure you don't start building a tolerance where you find yourself drinking more, or more often.  But either way, if your husband doesn't like it, maybe you should find a way to destress that you both can enjoy, like taking a walk.  And alcoholism is genetic, so b/c of your uncle, you are at a greater risk then most.  Just keep things under control and youshould be fine.  

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