
Alcohol de-tox?

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I begin a at home medically supervised out patient de-tox on Monday June 30th, any tips wpuld be really welcome thanks.




  1. The Simple and best is Nux Vomica 30.  It can even help to stop from being alcoholic.  This information is not a prescription.

  2. When you quit drinking, it's essential that you feed your body a cleansing, healthy diet that supplies the nutrients it needs to recover from the affects of alcohol abuse..... at heart, alcoholism is a sugar dependancy... so be carefull not to aid that dependency by giving the body the refined sugar it's going to crave.... Research has shown that high carbohydrate diets loaded with junky foods tend to increase the desire for alcohol, while good nutritious whole food diets will create less desire for alcohol.. when you have a craving for alcohol try some of the following ~

    ~ Dates, will satisfy your body's craving for something sweet;

    ~ Bananas, unsweetned fresh coconut, andRomaine lettuce are said to deter alcohol cravings too;

    ~ Celery helps balance the body's pH balance and is thought to lessen the desire for alcohol;

    ~ Tomato juice with lemon squeezed into it is a popular folk remedy to ease the urge to drink too;

    ~ Carrot juice diluted by half with water will taste sweet enough to satisfy the body's sugar cravings and is cleansing to the liver;

    ~ Boysenberry juice is another juice that tastes sweet and also decreased the desire for alcohol;

    ~ Fresh Cabbage juice..... cabbage contains small amounts of glutamine, which helps curb the brains craving for alcohol.... it's aso helpful for alcoholics who have suffered liver and stomach distress;

    ~ Bitter tonic waters will also help dispel the craving for alcohol.................;0)

    It's also important to keep the body's blood sugar level stable when trying to ditch an alcohol addiction.... eat small, frequent meals... avoid sugar, sweets, caffeine and refined carbs such as those in breads and pasta... eat plenty of vegies .... particularly leafy and green vegies, which are chock full of magnesium ... magnesium is essential for healthy nerve and muscle functioning and for heart health and will help you deal with the stress of everyday living.... magnesium is known as the antistress mineral and will help resolve headaches and migraines, constipation, acid tummy, twitching and nerve cramping problems and lower back pains too ....  also eat plenty  whole grains such as brown rice, oatmeal and millet and buckwheat.. drink loads of fresh filtered water too to help cleanse the body and diminish cravings.... to help detoxify the liver, add freshly squeezed lemon juice to your water.

    herbs that may be helpfull to help recuperate are ~

    Cinnamon, which is naturally sweet and thus satisfies the body's desire for sugary stuff... it also has a calming effect on the nerves;

    Ginseng which nourishes the adrenal glands;

    Gotu kola to help detoxify the body and also has a revitalising effect on the nerves;

    Milk thistle seed capsules to help prevent and repair alcoholic induced liver disease........... ;0)

    Take a multi B complex supplement also.... to support healthy immune, neural and digestive functioning...... great for bolstering your body to deal with life's every day stressy situation .... Get one including all the B's ie ~ B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 andB12 and folic acid etc. as they all work best as a group. Don't buy any of the B complex of vitamins individually but rather as a whole group, unless specifically told to do so buy a nutritionally oriented physician or naturopath.

    Ensure that you stay properly hydrated too.....  drink at least 2 - 3 litres of fresh filtered water on a daily basis to help detox your body and to help it operate at peak functioning levels.....  you'd be amazed at how being just a little dehydrated can affect your mood and energy levels.

    Most of all try to be nice to you and do the things that make you happy & put a smile on your dial ......  that could be putting on really loud rock music and leaping wildly around your living room jammin on down on your imaginary electric guitar up on stage with all the boys in the band... hey, it works for me .......  pumps up the level of serotonin naturally in your brain and makes you feel fine.......  my point here is that you need to enjoy your life ......  i've been where you are right now.....  i ditched alcohol 6 years ago and it's the best ball & chain i ever got rid of .......  all you need to do is beat this addiction one day at a time......  baby steps will move mountains mate♥

    hope this helps a bit

    peace 2 u

  3. I'm not to sure but if your looking for foods and stuff that would help detox Wheatgrass is really good

  4. Drink plenty of water, eat well and be strong. Good luck.

  5. Your body is physically dependent on alcohol just like nicotine, heroin, etc and the list is long.  That's not even considering the mental addition.  

    There are drugs to reduce the anxiety like ativan or in severe cases librium.  It all boils down to do you really want to quit.  Don't replace one addiction with another like drinking for coffee.  

    I quit nicotine years ago and I focused on the misery of it.  May sound strange but the worse I felt the more determined I got.  After time I got over my misery.

  6. I've done a few in-patient alcohol detoxes and rehabs, they will probably put you on Benzodiazopines to surpress the withdrawal symptoms and moniter you regularly.

    Keep well hydrated and make sure you eat regularly, though this will probably be taken care of for you.

    I wish you the best of luck I've been through it enough times and it's not an easy process. Not just the physical detoxification, but the emotional distress that comes from having to think about living without alcohol. I'll be doing it again soon but hopefully it'll be the last time, though I've said that before.

    Message me if you want. Good luck hon.  =)
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