
Alcohol on a college budget?

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so end of this week all my friends will be 21 so we want to have a big party bash but i'm not very knowledgeable about my alcohols... so if anyone could list some good but not too expensive liqueurs to buy and just give me an idea whats out there ! :D and the average price range.. thanks so much!!




  1. You want bum wine ! It's cheap, tastes awful, but will get you drunk....boy will it get you drunk. And you  will have really bad hangovers. Below is a website where you can read more on it.

  2. It's cold gin time again...

  3. Assuming you mean liquor and not a liqueur...

    the least expensive quality liquor is Smirnoff vodka or Jim Beam bourbon whiskey. They're both less than $20 for 1 ltr. Or get a case of cheap beer for around $10.

  4. You could buy Old Milwaukee beer :P That c**p is DIRT cheap.

    I think i managed to pick up a 6 pack for like 4 bucks of that stuff.

    Its pi$$ water though, be prepared.

    Really, you aren't going to get good stuff for cheap. But i know some good deals.

    Jameson's Whiskey: i purchased a 2 litre bottle of this stuff for 21$, not bad for this stuff, 40%alc/vol, its STRONG stuff.

    Bacardi 151: This is the strongest stuff i know of, i believe you cannot make stronger stuff than this without violating the law, as such you cannot legally purchase stuff stronger than this. 65-70%alch/vol depending on where you are, i managed to pick up a 1 litre bottle of this for 35$, not a bad deal at all.

    Bailey's Irish Cream: 14-16.5%alc/vol, you can pick up mini-bottles of it at 300-500 ml for about 10 bucks. 1 litre is about 17$ Its tasty stuff, put it in coffee or chocolate milk, or chug it outright. You can also make a rather interesting little drink called the Irish Car Bomb with it, well, its made of stout(beer), whiskey, and irish cream. Google it for instructions.

    Vex products are good.

    Vex Hard Lemonade is good stuff, comes in 6 packs of bottles, i picked up a 6 pack for 12 bucks.

    Vex makes a variety of flavored "chick drink" type things, alc/vol is about the same as your average beer, as i believe its intended as a chick drink replacement for beer.

    Kokanee Beer is good. I picked up a 24 case for about 60 bucks.

    There are a variety of other beers that i enjoy, such as;

    Budweiser, everybody knows this one.

    Whistler Honey Lager

    Big Rock Honey Brown Lager

    Guiness Beer, the company that started Guiness World Records also makes beer.

    Heineken, oh jesus you HAVE to get a heineken keg! There these giant kegs that sell in my area for 120 bucks, but there like 8 gallon kegs(might be off on the price and gallon amount on this, haven't researched them much)

    All of those beer are priced about the same as the kokanee i mentioned.

    You could try Grey Goose Vodka, but thats expensive stuff. 120 bucks for a 2 litre at my local liquor store.

    Ho, thats all i can think of off the top of my head.

    Note: Prices mentioned do not include tax and i have also translated the Canadian prices that i view in the stores into American prices. Prices are an approximation of what I personally have been able to pick up, you might not get the same prices.

  5. Well, we always drink keystone cause we're poor and its cheap. But keystone isn't very good and me and my friends will pretty much drink anything that is fermented. If somebody's turning 21 its pretty much an unspoken rule to go bar hopping so you can get a bunch of birthday shots.

    Cheap vodka mixed with any soda is usually a good bet. If beer is your thing you don't want to drink a lot of dark beer if you are binging. Instead go with a cheap domestic like busch light or bud light. Anything else will give you the runs in the morning.

    Some things you can't go cheap on:




    Or you will pay for it in the morning.

  6. Vodka, Buy a Bottle and heaps of soft drink , Bourbon ( jim Beam) always good. Pure Blondes ( Carb Lite Beer) Always works well when you can get plastered without the added calories. Baileys is awesome too if your into the milky things.

  7. My choices:


    whatever is on sale, usually get a 24 pack for $10 or so.


    Boone's Farms!  sweet and tasty, but not much alcohol content, but its considered the college student's choice. Walmart near me has it for $2.25 for a 750 ml bottle.  

    MD 20/20 fairly flavorful, little more expensive ($3.50 for a small bottle, but at 20% apv, its got a punch)

    hard liquor:

    Vodka... less flavor, and can be added to almost any juice or soda, and on sale you can get a good deal, local liquor store has one now:

    Kharkov 1.75l for $9.55

    you want a cheap mixxed drink?  go for a sour appletini, but instead of using the sour apple mix (around $6 for 20 oz) find some snow cone syrup (the same stuff) for about $2 for 20 oz, mix it with the vodka, and have a good time.  The local Walmart has quite a few flavors of these syrups too: sour apple, blue raspberry, strawberry, watermelon, and some others, all would probably be good in 'tinis.

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