
Alcoholics anonymous, some questions?

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i am in need of help. i am not in need of detox/rehab bc i am not going to go through withdrawel symptoms but i need to go to aa. im so hurting right now. my question to you guys who are in aa or have been in it for a period of time-do you think it really works? is life boring when you take alcohol out of it? are you happy? what are your experiences.. i know smoe people think aa is like a cult.




  1. AA is not a cult. It is a group of individuals who have something in common. The desire to get off and stay off booze. Does it work? That depends on you. No one can make you work the program, not your sponsor,your family or your friends. You have to want this. I do not belong to AA, my brother does, I belong to one of the many affiliated groups. I know that in the beginning they will ask you to attend more than one meeting a week. Talk to your sponsor daily. And will be required to read the Big Blue Book. There is a set of guidelines for AA. But if you are committed to getting off booze, even though it seems like a lot to do, it is worth it in the long run. My brother has been sober for 12 years now, has a wife and son and a good relationship with his siblings. He discovered as you will there is so much more to life without the bottle. But like I said before, no one can make you do this, It must come from your heart. Good Luck and I pray you success.

  2. Most people in AA are not very happy. The old timers seem happy because they have received a cult figure status and control the lives of those under them.

    It is considered a cult because it fits the example of a cult in so many ways. They use bait and switch tactics, they control their people they sponsor, they tell you AA is the only way etc, etc, etc, AA is a religion. Read the 12 steps and it is all about getting right with god.

    I say that if you feel you need a god to help you get and stay sober then find a legitimate church you like and get very involved in it. The Christian God  offers more than just a daily reprieve and AA attendance the rest of your life.

    Truth is AA has the same success rate as quitting on ones own but it has a much higher mortality rate and a higher suicide rate. Relapses and heavy binge drinking is common in AA.

    AA takes away your power and you cannot believe you have any control or power at all therefore another cult thought.

    Browse the articles here

    I was in AA about 5 months in 1991 and would attend meetings not wanting to drink but right after each meeting I had a strong desire to drink due to the nature of meetings and the harrassment I recieved from old timers and my sponsor.  I left went back to drinking binged drank a few months and decided to quit on my own. I have been sober now 16 years without AA.

    I found that when you quit on your own you try not to think about drinking and to put other things your mind and when you finally do over come the urges you  no longer have the desires because you not only overcame them you  do not dwell on the past like they do in AA.

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