
Alcoholism - just a few points...?

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I drink a couple of times a week, but quite often I get completely blotto for no reason, like now. I have been sitting in alone all evening, and have had a bottle of Gallo and half a bottle of Jack Daniels.

This is usual, does this make me in any way shape or form an alchie or a normal human who likes a drinky?

PS I have work in the morning.




  1. Present advice on safe drinking is that women should have no more than two units of alcohol per day and you should have at least two drink-free days a week.  Women should not exceed 14 units a week.

    A unit of alcohol is 125ml (or 4.2 ounces) glass of wine at 8% ABV.  That's a small glass.  Also, most wine is well over 10%.  A unit of hard alcohol is 25ml (that's less than an ounce).  

    As for the advice to only drink on the weekend, you will still be an alcoholic if you are binge drinking.  Binge drinking, for a female, is consuming four or more drinks in two hours and/or the consumption of 50% or more of the recommended maximum weekly number of units of alcohol in 'one session'.  It's just as hard on the liver and body as drinking all week.

    You should talk to your doctor about your drinking, especially since you are consuming such a large amount.  You may need to be monitored while cutting back/stopping.  

  2. I think you have answered your own question. By you asking, I think you believe you likely are.

    It doesn't hurt to check out a local Alcoholics Anonymous meeting to see if you can relate to anything being said.

    I'd also talk to your doctor as well.

  3. ya your an alcoholic, but it doesn't seem like too much of a problem yet so just try to avoid drinking on weeknights

  4. That's a lot of alcohol in one night.  Hate to say it, but if you're doing this a lot, you very well could be an alcoholic.  I'm sure you're tolerance has increased, and I wonder if you could go without for 2 weeks.  Those are sure fire signs that you're addicted.

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