
Alert on increasing waiting list for health without borders

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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The transposition of the European directive on cross-border healthcare, which was published in the Bulletin Oficialel last Saturday, could mean an increase in waiting lists in public hospitals, according to the opinion of the State Council examined the draft royal decree Ministry of Health. The directive states that citizens have the right to freely choose which country their ailments treated by advancing the payment services and claiming the refund to your home country after.

The opinion of the Council of State which includes the states own project report: "Given our country 's tourism receiver, it could likely increase the demand for health care for this cause." The text adds: " What might cause other consequences, for example, waiting lists since it would imply that for every person who joins it could generate an overall increase for all citizens in the delay in care in health centers. " And that, in the opinion of the advisory body, "will require effective measures to prevent the corresponding deterioration of the situation".

The Ministry of Health recognizes that it is too early to know how many Spaniards treated patients can go outside and how community can come to Spain. The directive allows you to choose either a private hospital as a public one. The Spanish legislation provides that, regardless of treatment, which is reimbursed public price of this procedure in the regional health service -there is a common price throughout Spain - related. There are exceptions and cases where prior authorization is needed.

The financial report of the project and noted that " special attention should be kept to the assistance to citizens of other countries seeking treatment centers of the National Health System does not include an increase in the delay in care at the center, with the corresponding deterioration of the situation that would result in cost not assessable in monetary terms but loss of confidence and effectiveness of the system. "

The directive does not replace the regulations governing the treatment in another country of a citizen that needs attention. The EHIC covers these cases. Referrals made ​​by the patient's doctor if you think your condition may be better served in other states are also covered. The CEO of the service portfolio of the National Health and Pharmacy, AgustÃ_n Rivero said the main beneficiary of this flow of patients from outside could be private healthcare. Also said that if a European citizen wants to be treated in a public hospital enters the waiting list in the same conditions that one Spanish.

"I think the main beneficiary will be the Spanish private health, but the public could also benefit from the improved billing and collection processes required to pay to third parties," says Alberto Infante, professor at the Institute of Health Carlos III. Health spokesman of the PSOE, José MartÃ_nez Olmos, believes that " the directive is an opportunity but also a risk. Opportunity for those resources, as they have to anticipate the payment. " " It promotes inequality," he adds.

 Tags: alert, borders, health, increasing, List, waiting


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