
AlertBot43 asks me for my password to fix a virus for aim. Do i trust him?

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Alertbot43 asks me for my password to fix a virus for aim. Do i trust him?




  1. No

  2. It's phishing, don't let them reel you in.

  3. i'm not familar with alertbot43 ...but any program asking for a PW of another program sounds like someone is trying to get control of your AIM.

    Now if alertbot is asking for a PW that is for Alertbot, then that's a different matter. Do you have Alertbot set up so that it can only do functions when it receives a password? If so then of course it needs a password for the operator in order for it to do a task. But you should know that the password it needs is not your aim pw but the password to allow Alertbot to do a task. That PW would be something you gave it when you set up Alertbot.

    If Alertbot43 is some guy in a chat room asking for your PW, then tell him to take a flying leap off the end of a deep cliff. NO WAY JOSE'!

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