
Alex sweet washington and lee allie boyat olympic swim louisville medical school cheat pregnant?

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tagline. is it true sweet cheated on a pregnant girl with boyat? no one knows the truth and the pregnant ex won't say. is the truth out there? anyone? anyone? bueller?




  1. Wait, who is this? Guy named Alex Sweet, who went to Washington and Lee for Undergrad... and then Louisville Medical School cheated on a pregnant girlfriend?  There are a million Alex Sweet's in the world...

  2. Never trust a guy who prefers long distance relationships. Or one who won't put your relationship on Facebook 

  3. Does not surprise me at all, he's a scumbag player with an ego. JSE is a huge idiot for getting involved with him

  4. yes it's true, i met her at the phi psi house a few times but don't remember her name because she went to a different school and visited on weekends. they dated during junior year

  5. @Guest20683519 : back at wnl, prob 3-4 yrs ago

  6. seriously, when was this?

  7. is this actually true?? whats the name of the pregnant ex? how long ago was this?

  8. yes, this is all true.  I know everyone involved. he cheated on his girlfriend - daughter of a longtime family friend -  w/ boyat.  Since he refused to wear a condom he got his girlfriend pregnant.  He broke up with the girlfriend of the family friend in order to be w/ boyat; this happened before the girlfriend realized she was pregnant. i don't know whether she had a miscarriage or an abort---

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