
Alexis Bledel! Twilight? ?

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okay i know Kristen Stewart is playing Bella and yeah she'll do a really good job, and her acting is great, but she doesn't remind me of Bella. Alexis Bledel is perfect for the part in my opinion, and yeah she has blue eyes, but thats why cintacts are for. Also today i was watching The Messengers, and Kristen doesn't have brown eyes either, she has a grey blue kind. Unless they wanted, Jessica (Kristen), to have blue eyes and fixed it somehow. Don't get me wrong Kristen is good i would've liked Bella to be Alexis insread of Kristen. I know they already finished the movie, but i think they should have considered Alexis. Anyone else with me?




  1. Alexis Bledel is too good for Twilight.

  2. I have heard a lot of people saying this but I thought from the moment I heard that Kristen was perfect. That's just me though.

  3. omg! ur sooooo right! but maybe u should contact the producres and tell them! btw; when is it coming out????

    answer mine?

  4. no because I was just searching about that after reading this question and even though she looks like her somewhat , she is much too old to play bella , since she is 26 and Bella never gets any older than 18. So I like Kristen Stewart better, I just hope they make her use brown colored contacts...

  5. I love Gilmore Girls, and Alexis Bledel would have also been great for the part. But they already chose the actors and Kristen Stewart will also do well.

  6. Totally. I just a few pics of her and she looks more Bella-ish. But I like Kristen anyhow.

  7. I TOTALLY AGREE!!! I also think that they should get a different Edward, you know? He was ok in Harry Potter, but I think Edward should be SLIGHTLY hotter...your thoughts?

  8. I totally agree i just said that 2 my friend. lika alexis in SOTTP2 was like totally bella!

  9. I love Alexis Bledel in Gilmore Girls but I just don't see her as Bella. She's at least 24 and she's 5 foot 7.

    She seems like she'd play the part a little too timid also.  Bella's supposed to be really stubborn, but Alexis Bledel has always played the "go with the flow kind of part.

    But she'd probably be in my top ten choices for Bella.

    I really like Kristen for the part, except for her voice.  I always imagined it a little higher.  I'm just excited I get to watch Robert Pattinson for two hours...he's a very very nice looking boy, sigh.

  10. I comepletely agree. - that Kristen Stewart shouldn't play Bella in Twilight, not the thing about Alexis Bledel. -

  11. no way. definitely not.

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