
Alfalfa yields are highest in the second year of production and then decline as the stands thin ...?

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Alfalfa yields are highest in the second year of production and then decline as the stands thin out and grow less vigorously. This yield decline was estimated by Knapp as:

......... 4.93,__________________ if t = 1

Y = {

.......... 7.47- 0.584 ( t - 2 ), _____ if t ( > or = to ) 2

where y gives the yield in tons per acre per year and t is an integer and denotes the age of the crop in years. Determine the yield in each of the first three years.




  1. You need to understand what the notation means that you have witten, because then you will see your answer immediately.

    It means the yield y is 4.93 in the first year, 7.47 - 0.584(2 - 2) = 7.47 in the second year and 7.47 - 0.584(3 - 2) = 6.886 in the third year.

    Now see if you can figure out the yield in the 4th and 5th years.

    Always try to say your formulas, equations etc. in ordinary language. This will increase your understanding.

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