If any of you guys have ever even heard of this fairly new technology to power a car, jet or diesel truck, I want to hear what your answers are to this. I personally feel this is the secret formula to our global warming woes.
1. If we use 1/10th of New Mexico (sunny area!!) for algae production, we could power all the transportation needs of the US.
2. One acre of algea = 50,000 gallons of fuel (you heard me right), as apposed to 12 gallons per acre of corn based ethanol.
3. Algea is the fastest growing plant on earth, and requires hardly any assitance.
4. A company has invented a "bio reactor" in which algea and water are mixed, sealed in a closed-loop system and allowed to bloom. Basically eliminating the problem of evaporating water from a conventional open-pond system.