
Algae eaters that stay small?

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I have a ten and a five gallon tank. I want to get an algae eater for the five, but I've researched certain fish, such as ottos, and most of them get huge. I don't want to cramp a fish that needs a huge tank, but I want one that won't get very big but can thrive in a five gallon. I have albino corys in my other tank, but they're not effective as bottom suckers. At least mine aren't. Any suggestions?




  1. when you go to pet stores the label that shows you the fish usually tells you how big it gets and how big of a tank you need!

    you can't get much with a 5gal tank but you can get goldfish and Betta's! (of course not in the same tank)

    all gold fish are in the "goldfish community" so look for those if your thinking you want goldfish!

    p.s. most algae eaters stay/are pretty small!

  2. The otocinclus (otos) do not get larger than about an inch and a half.  4-5 of them would be perfect for a 5g tank.  Another choice would be a bushy nosed pleco.  They only get to about 4-5 inches lon.

    Corys are not sucker fish like the plecos, they are just bottom feeding scavengers that will clean up any food missed by your other fish.  A bushy nosed pleco for the 10g tank would be an excellent addition.

  3. not sure how big the tank needs to be but maby a hillstreem loach also called a Borneo sucker and a butterfly pleco  

  4. Oto's usually only get about 1 1/2 to 2" long but they like to be kept in groups of 3 or more so that can be a problem for a small tank.  No algae eating fish will really keep your tank clean.  They all get lazy and start scavenging for other food and some will even start attacking other fish.


  5. cory cats, otto cats, ghost shrimp, clown placoctomus

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