
Alge problem in 75 gallon

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I have a 75 gallon tank with only 2 Serpe Tetras and 2 Zebra Danios (right now) I have been noticing more and more alge popping up. I regularly clean it off the glass and rocks. I know alge can be caused by to much light, but I was gone this whole weekend and left the lights off the whole time. When I got back there was more that had grown. What can I do to stop this?




  1. As Ianab said, it is almost impossible to completely stop algae and that is a normal part of the marine environment.

    Some of the simplest things to watch are that your water is clean and well aerated, that you make sure that hardness and phosphates are low, and keep the temperature towards the lower end of the range suggested for your fish. High temperatures in water decrease oxygen and can significantly contribute to excessive algae growth. You can add “algae eating” creatures or plants that compete with it and follow the suggestions that I copied the following from Vivid Aquarium (salt water - but same basic rules):

    What are ways to control the growth of nuisance algae?

    •Keep your aquarium at a cool temperature between 76°-77°

    •Light-cycle should not exceed 9 hours of daylight

    •Phosphates in the water you use for topping off your aquarium can cause algae blooms.

    - The most effective way to eliminate phosphates is to use a reverse osmosis (RO) water filter to remove phosphates and other pollutants from your water supply.

    - You can also use a phosphate sponge, a type of filter media, to help absorb phosphates out of the aquarium water.

    •Add an ultraviolet (UV) sterilizer to your aquarium system.

  2. Well, you may get cory cats or plecos, best if plecos, they are algae eaters, but they produce soooo much wastes everyday, i would recommend an algae scrubber. Or you can remove your fishes, make it salt water, put in brine shrimp eggs, they eat algae to grow to adult size, then feed it to your other fishes for the best nutrients.

  3. Too much of the wrong light

    Hope this helps

    shows all the types of algae.

    You leaving the lights on really caused the problem Buy a 5 dollar timer from home depot to set your lights.

    The type of light matters aswell, I use life glo 2's and they donlt produce any algae for me even though they grow plants well at .75 wpg and lower they work well.

    4-5 otto cats would help and your tank could easly support them.

    Some amano shrimp would help as well.

    good luck!!!!

  4. Get a Plecostomus! They are wonderful to have in a tank with an algae problem, you'll hardly ever need to feed them! Also, your tank is big enough to accommodate a full grown pleco. If you don't want a pleco, you can get mystery snails or apple snails, they are a lot of fun believe it or not, and will take care of the algae on the sides of the tank very well. Ghost shrimp and other kinds of shrimp are fun too. Cory catfish are cute and fun to watch, and they only get about an inch long and come in many different varieties. I have 1 emerald cory, 1 common cory and 2 panda cory. They all hang out together. Another good bottom feeder is a Kuhli Loach, but make sure you have more than 1 of them (they get lonely w/out buddies) and a place for them to hide. They are cute because they snuggle up with each other! Small crabs are fun , and they are great for picking stuff out from between rocks and tank decorations

  5. It's almost impossible to prevent all algae growth.

    You can do things to reduce it by adjusting the light, nutrient levels (water changes) and growing more live plants (also reduces the free nutrients)

    But it's almost impossible to eliminate.

    Personally I would add a couple of Bristlenose plecos or a group of Oto catfish to the tank, You certainly have room, and those fish are compatible with the ones you have and will eat a usefull amount of algae.


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