
Algebra 2 and Geomtry or Both??? Need some suggestions....?

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I am taking algebra II and geomentry it is really stressing me out i am a junior in hs and it seems to me we are just moving too fast. My teacher likes to complete the book and its kinda like if you dont get it then oh well i see it as. So should i stay in them so it could look good or should i get out of one, if so which one? Also would it look bad if I have taken pre-algebra, algebra 1, algebra 2, geometry, calc? I think im just worried what colleges would view it as (only reason why i am taking algebra 2 and geometry) Please give me suggestions it is making me so emotional.




  1. Well, the real answer to your question may be that you should withdraw from the one that you are weakest in. The reason I suggest this is that most colleges are judging you by your grades (OF COURSE you're saying) but in reality, some people look past this. It is nice to be bold and daring and take on both endeavors, but not if you're going to be average in one or both as it might end up. As in to which should you drop, that may also depend on what you are planning on studying in college. If you are looking towards architecture or any structural design or even artistic endeavors, you may want to single out Geometry. It is very helpful with all sorts of everyday events and will help smooth this transfer when you take them in college.

    However, my main point I would make is this, you seem stressed about taking courses that colleges may look at. Algebra 2 & Geometry are VERY important parts of the SAT, if you do decide to drop one course, I would definitely not rule out being tutored in the other. At least you can excel in one and still take on the other subject with a knowledgeable approach.

    I truly hope this helps you. Good luck!

  2. Most Schools have you take Alg 1, Geometry, Alg 2 then Trig or Calculus. These upper level math classes are difficult. one at a time is more reasonable.

    Best of Luck!


  3. Hello, I'm taking Geometry in Middle School (Honors Geometry I), and I've noticed it's a difference from Algebra I...I'd suggest you drop out of Algebra II for now, because Geometry have specific stuff about Geometry, that isn't explained by pure arithmetic...Of course I'm not in high school., but I hope you value my opinion...

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