
Ali vs. Rocky (Marciano) who wins?

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I don't think we can pick one. Ali can dance, but can he dance enough, there are just too many variables, I think if these guys fight five times, it could have a different outcome each time. But what fun is that? Who wins and why? I take the easy way out, if they Box with the rules during Rocky's time he wins, by modern rules, probably Ali.




  1. I can see by the above response from Wolf  someones Xbox broke. Trolls are not allowed!! Mike Tyson???? U have school tmrw so get to ur bed.

    Now to the question at hand. I actually agree with your opinion. By 1950' standards Ali would jab and move and make a mess of Rock which wasn't hard because he was a warrior. But the fight would wear on and Rocky's underrated body attack would slow Ali down. Either late kayo or dec for Rocky.

    With the sissy a.s.s. rules they have nowadays the fight doctor would probably stop it around the 10th in Ali's favor, but if  Rocko the man who knew no fear knew he was gonna get stopped he could go for the home run punch to win.

    Joe Frazier said it himself that he had Rocky just behind Joe Louis all time as far as heavyweights and if he (Frazier)  could beat Ali so could Rocky.  Those are not my words those were the words of a legend.

  2. Well said Chuck t. Marciano never really fought great fighters, and when he did like Joe Louis they were way past their prime.Rocky was sloppy. He oftened missed or threw wild punches that would spin him around.Ali had pinpoint accuracy. I am still in awe when I watch his fights. The one thing about the Rock is that he fought low much like Joe Frazier did which gave Ali trouble, but with his speed and accuracy he would defeat Marciano. Befoe Ali lost his license for three years he was unreal. Check out his fight against Cleveland Williams it was beautiful brutality! I believe Ali landed 9 consecutive blows to the face. With Ali every punch he threw was exciting with Marciano it was just his right hand.

  3. Rocky Marciano remind me of Joe Frazier, a short heavyweight who can punch. Muhammad Ali will move and box and outpoint Rocky everytime unless it is fought in a phonebooth.

  4. This is always hotly debated and very difficult to argue.  They didnt share many opponents so its tough to compare them based on that.  I do agree with many on here that Rocky's style would play well for Ali although how can you measure Rocky's determination, heart, power or chin?  I mean the guy never lost a fight!  

    Ali got dropped by Spinks who had like 12 rounds under his belt as a pro when he took the Ali fight.  However Ali also beat fighters like Foreman, Frazier and Holmes.  

    I think one thing we can all agree on is that they dont make fighters like those two anymore.  It certainly would be one h**l of a fight!

  5. Ali would pepper him up and down, Rocky would try to beat him down, but I feel Marciano's style is tailor made for Ali, Rocky would last, but Ali would out-point him, even possibly tko late.

  6. Ali

  7. Ali because of how he handled other sluggers like Foreman Liston , Frazier and Shavers. Ali in his prime was amazingly fast and his jab was so quick that it would have been difficult for Rocky to catch up to it. If you recall Walcott had marciano on the ropes until he left his game plan in the 13th round and we know what happened then,

  8. thats hard my heart says rocky, but my head says ali

  9. It's funny to see some people say Rocky's body attack would bother Ali when he was pummelled to the body by George Foreman who has one of the best KO percentages in boxing history.   Foreman hit a lot harder than Rocky & it never bothered Ali.  You never saw Ali in trouble,  he was knocked down but he would pop right back up.   Someone said Ali got beat by Leon Spinks,  this is accurate but Ali was like 35 years old.   When Rocky had some problem fights in his latter years of his career he decided to retire.   Remember he retired at 32 years old.   Anyway like someone else said Ali prior to being stripped of 3 years in his prime for not going to the vietnam war was the best ever.   He would have destroyed Rocky Marciano easily.   Rocky would have been bleeding like a stuck pig by the 4th round & Ali would have just hit him whenever he wanted.  With Ali's great body conditioning & excellent chin Rocky's hail mary shots wouldn't do anything.   Ali by 8th round KO!!!!

  10. Wolf  - Tyson lost at 24 yrs old in his prime to Buster Douglas!

    Not exactly a all time great!  Name one all time great that beat Marciano or Ali in their primes. Go ahead it will take a while.

    Nobody beat those two in their primes! In fact Tyson never beat a great fighter in their prime, because he wasn't that good! He fought 2 real good fighters in his career, and got whupped! Two ko's and a DQ. He's not in the same league as the greats.

    As for the question. Ali to big and two fast in his prime. He never slowed up, he'd out box Rocky for 15 boring rounds.

    Ali's jaw was to good for a quick Ko, and his reach advantage would be too much for Rocky to get in close and do a sustained amount of damage.

  11. marciano will out-punch him

  12. tyson could beat both at the same time

  13. Ali! 14 inch reach advantage. Rocky weighed low 180's. Ali had about 30 lbs on him. And speed that Rocky never had seen. Ali got hit by the best punchers in the history of the division(Liston, Frazier, Foreman, Shavers). His chin was great and Rocky would still have to get past the jab and catch him. In his prime Ali never had to lay on the ropes, he wouldn't sit there and let Rocky punch away.

    Great boxers almost always beat great brawlers.


  15. Box by either rules, Ali takes it.  He would be too big and fast for Rocky.

    Ali would use his hand speed to pepper (and bloody) Rocky, use his foot work to keep Marciano from turning it into a brawl, and he'd use his enormous reach advantage to keep Marciano from landing to the body.

    Marciano would win a slugfest, but styles make fights and Ali's style would be such that this would not be a slugfest.  Ali, if nothing else, was a very smart fighter.  He has all the advantages he needs to win the fight.

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