
Ali vs dempsey?

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Dempsey was almost a exact clone of Frazier except more vicious who wins him or Ali? 15 rounds or how about until someone can't countinue like he used to fight?




  1. when they are both in their prime, i'd say dempsey in two. when dempsey was in his prime, he knocked the no. 1 contender out in :14, and the no.2 contender out in :18 secs. ali got lucky in his fight against liston. liston was out of shape, because he did drugs. 6 mons. after ali beat liston, liston died of drug abuse.

  2. Ali had a great chin and survived and beat Liston. Frazier in there 2 a 3 fight and Foreman too. They all hit just like Dempsey. It would be a foot race in Ali's prime.

    By the way Sherm...............It has never be proven that Liston did drugs and he and Ali fought in 64,65. Liston was found dead (murdered, most feel) in 1970.

  3. ALI . This contest could easily reach this conclusion:however,when one adds ROCKY to the equation,the results are completely thrown out the window.

  4. Ali win by decision.  Dempsey was good but not as quick as Ali.

  5. 20's-70's rules ali.

    Early 1900's rules, jack.

    People forget early boxers were still training a lot of clinch grappling. This was a left over from the bare knuckle era in boxing when you could still hold and hit, clinch and then throw.

    If Demspey was allowed within the rules to use his clinching ability, ali would never get a punch off.

    Check out the Firpo/dempsey match, almost a greco roman bout.

    Any modern heavyweight would be exhausted from it by the first round, it is a different sort of fitness and genetics to master .

  6. ali would probably do to a prime dempsey what  tunney did to an over-the-hill dempsey, only jack would make more of a fight of it.

    ali by wide decision, but might have to get off the canvas to do it.

  7. Good question.  Two all time great fighters here.  Dempsey applied relentless pressure in the ring and fought along the same style as a young Mike Tyson.  He would bob and weave and work his way inside to inflict terrible damage.  When he fought Tunney, he was rusty and not quite as dangerous a fighter as he was previously especially in his punch rate and mobility.  Ali is the fastest man to ever put on the gloves with both his feet and hands.  He had a great jab and moved around the ring gracefully.  Dempsey fights a lot like Frazier and you know the trouble Frazier gave Ali, so it would be a similar fight.  Dempsey would apply tremendous pressure and Ali would move and box.  Dempsey would land some hard and effective punches but Ali would be smart enough to clinch when he got inside and attempt to keep Jack on the outside with that great jab.  Dempsey would give a good account of himself and win some rounds but in the end the boxing ability of Ali would be too much as Ali wins by unanimous decision.
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