
Alice in Wonderland Jr. audition song suggestions?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I asked for audition song suggestions a while back, but someone slapped some sense into me about colorblind casting, so here I go again. I'm fourteen and I'm going to audition for Alice in Wonderland Jr. at the community theater.

I'm (seriously!) going for any of the Flowers of the Golden Afternoon. As a speaking role, I wouldn't mind any of the Cheshire Cats, though.

I was thinking of singing "I Enjoy Being a Girl" from Flower Drum Song, but I only need 16 bars and I'm trying to figure out where would be a good place to start singing from (the beginning, perhaps?). Would this song be okay?

Finally, I'm not sure what to say about my vocal range except that I sang 2nd soprano as a nun of the Nomberg Abbey in a production of the Sound of Music this past January (they theater casted younger people as nuns, even if the main nuns were older women). I'm also good with harmony, which is why I think being a Flower of the Golden Afternoon would be good.

Thanks a lot!




  1. I sang I enjoy being a girl and if you start at the main part of When I have a brand new hairdo yadyadayada you end at the end of that part.

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