Alice in Wonderland is by far my favorite movie.i haven't had a birthday party, much less wanted to celebrate one, since i was 13. Now i'm 17 teen i never had a sweet 16. So i'm wondering if it would be weird to have a 18th birthday party or am i just to old, i could have a big party for being 18 instead of 16 cause it's kinda bigger. Anyways if i did i would want it to be an Alice in Wonderland theme but i don't know what to use i saw some coo ideas on google. Yet alot of the things to do at the party are for kids.does anyone have ideas for teen ages or 11-20? Or should i just give up and not celebrate another year or is Alice in Wonderland to much of a little kid thing. Maybe have everyone come dressed up like the people but there would be alot of the same people. I might even say only i can be alice cause its my birthday or would that be rude? I'm sorry if it's confusing i'm add -ing and it's like 1:20 in the morning i would apprecitate you comments.