
Alice in wonderland and drugs?

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So I'm sure everyone knows about the "rumor" that the author was on drugs when he wrote Alice in wonderland ..... and also that ppl do drugs when they watch it...isn't that weird? and also have u ever tried it? how was it? lol just out of curiosity ? and how can they let children watch these kind of cartoons?




  1. okay so yeah.  Through the Looking Glass was written by a man during a time in history when there were no laws on opium, cocaine and merchant men selling "miracle cures" from door to door.  Yes, mostly everyone in that time place was on cocaine.  If your grandma was alive during the miracle cure era and bought or was made to drink the syruppy cure for the common cold that was sold, it did have cocaine in it as a main ingredient......AHEM so did Coca-Cola, which was originally created as a cure-it drink by a doctor.  The idea of the author oin drugs when it was written is no rumor, it was true.

    most people who do drugs while watching Alice in Wonderland is mostly watching the Cartoon while listening to Led Zepplin.

    I won't tell about my illicit drug use in the 80's :P

    I don't remember my illicit drug use in the 80's :P

    and just remember the story was originally written as a gift for the author's daughter?  And then redone by Disney, that's how it gets justified.  Drug use is not a prerequisite for watching the movie....sorry.

  2. You're joking right? Alice in Wonderland, and Through the Looking Glass are satires. For example the unicorn and lion are Disraeli and Gladstone. It's one of the few that AREN'T drug related. If you want drug fiend authors try those above, plus Edgar Allen Poe and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle were noted coke addicts.

  3. Due to the era in which it was written, the author, Charles Dodgson (pseudonym Lewis Carrol), may have done drugs, but the Alice books have NOTHING to do with that.  Many, many professors have seriously studied them, and none of it has do to with that.  In fact, the only supporting factor that anyone has ever used to say it was about drugs was the fact that some mushrooms produce hallucinogenic effects when eaten, and the mushroom in the illustration of the first edition is known to be safe.  The theory of drugs didn't even come out until the movie did, and there were a lot of hippies then doing drugs, the movie had a psychedelic look, and they WANTED it to be about drugs.  If you want to know anything about it, just read the annotated version.

  4. Thank you!

    you have just spoiled one of my childhood memories!

    i have never heard that rumor before

  5. Yeah, well, when she eats a mushroom and grows/shrinks...that's a good sign that drugs were involved in the creation of the story.

  6. Lewis Carroll was all hopped up on Mushrooms, (Psilocybin, & Ammonita Muscaria) and laudenum ( Opium tincture) when he wrote Alice,and Through the Looking Glass,as were many famous Authors and Poets of the day. GoodBeast regularly uses Mushrooms, and has done for over 20years, and finds them without paralell for inducing visions of the absurd and paradoxical. Also, if you want to see fairies, Mushrooms are the key to their Kingdom, and very useful for Vision quests. Laudenum is no longer made, but a similar effect can be obtained from smoking raw Opium. However, one needs to be very careful with Opiates, due to thier addictive nature. Opium is the least addictive of all the Opiates,and can be obtained from Papaver Somniferum, the common ornamental Garden Poppy.

    Children have always been told Fairy stories of this type, and many of them have thier roots in Magic Mushrooms.

    Hope this has been helpful.  

  7. i'll have some of what ever your doing.

  8. I don't do drugs. Not that I haven't in my past. But no drugs, no alcohol, no smoking. I'm a good boy.

  9. If you wished to discount any fiction or poetry that was written by people who have used some form of narcotic, you would be excluding everyone from Coleridge, Shelley and Yeats  to Kerouac.

    It is probably a very small percentage of people who use drugs whilst either reading or viewing these works. Indeed they may well have watched the news in this state, that doesn't mean other people should do so.

    I think children should be both encouraged to read and watch these things, thereby opening their imagination and lessening the need for artificial aids to expand the mind.

  10. One pill makes you larger

    And one pill makes you small,

    And the ones that mother gives you

    Don't do anything at all.

    Go ask Alice

    When she's ten feet tall.

    And if you go chasing rabbits

    And you know you're going to fall,

    Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar

    Has given you the call.

    Call Alice

    When she was just small.

    When the men on the chessboard

    Get up and tell you where to go

    And you've just had some kind of mushroom

    And your mind is moving low.

    Go ask Alice

    I think she'll know.

    When logic and proportion

    Have fallen sloppy dead,

    And the White Knight is talking backwards

    And the Red Queen's "off with her head!"

    Remember what the dormouse said:

    "Feed your head. Feed your head. Feed your head"

    Fom the song White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane

  11. i think obviously DISNEY would make it more child appealing, but i did a case study on alice in wonderland, not so much the disney film but the book and from what i've learnt back in those days cocaine was used by the 'wealthy people' and was called snuff. they had like snuffle of snuff boxes and wen the blokes would get together with their cigars and stuff they'd have some 'snuff'. we associate drugs with bad things but back wen the author wrote it it wasnt really so um yeh..... i dnt think people actually take drugs while watching the cartoon, at least i hope not and if they did obviously they didnt know the historic background an was just trying to find an excuse to get smashed.

    sorry for the longness. :)

  12. me friend was on acid while watchin it.

  13. Heard the rumor, havent watched it on drugs, but my kids and I love the movie. I wouldnt tell them about the rumor , I like it because it allows kids to use their imagination with out being judged. Kids are pure, its the adults that fill ther minds with BS.  

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