
Alicia S. should have medaled and not the chinese girl...?

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that chinese girl landed on her knees on her 2nd one yet won bronze and alicia got 4th. bs man. i dont care if the chinese girl had higher start values... if u fall straight on ur knees u dont deserve to get a medal... maybe i just wanted alicia to medal... iono




  1. All of the scoring has been crappy.

  2. i agree... landing on your knees is the same as landing on your face. piece of c**p judges...

  3. i agree!  she ggot a wayyyyy to high of a score

  4. Because Alicia is suck!! get over it~~ you should learn how to face to the reality. i didnt think that the Americans IQ is so low T_T "a yelling baby"

  5. Another Chinese girl fell on her butt from the uneven bars the other night and got a bronze under the silver and gold from the US.

    It's complete c**p. The whole world is laughing at them.  

  6. It would be nice and I hate having a medalist that fell and would rather have Alicia have the bronze however this is the code of points where a fall can be compensated with higher difficulty. Cheng Fei's vault start value was a full point higher than Sacramone's start value and the higher start value compensated for the fall and therefore she was able to edge out Sacramone with the additional tenth or two tenth gained from the start value. I wish Sacramone decided to do her harder vaults. Maybe we would have seen a gold from her if she did.

  7. I just answered another question about Alicia with this.  There is no way China should have scored that high.  Even the announcers had no idea.  I find it very hard to believe that at the all around, Nastia stuck her landing and got not even a 14 and the Chinese land on their knees and get a 15.whatever.  This is total BS.  I don't even know why I am watching anymore.  Here we go again.

    PS dont give me the c**p about the start value.  1 she landed on her knees, 2 they said she should be deducted because her hands were in different places (the announcers said that) WAY TOO HIGH.  Yet again, China enjoy your unearned medals.

  8. Chinese girl's A scores were 6.5 + 6.5, way above Alicia's, and her first round got a perfect score of 16.

  9. well China was cheating the whole time,by one using super young girls,then giving them really good scores no matter how S****y they did.

    They were trying to help out their own team,therfore,i feel that event was overall,not fairly judged or done.

  10. Cry Cry Cry

    Get a clue kiddies. China started with nearly a point ahead due to her difficulty scores.

    Quote from Yahoo

    "But Andrei Gueisbuhler, secretary general of the International Gymnastics Federation, said Cheng won because her vaults were harder. The start values for both of Cheng’s vaults were 6.5. Sacramone’s first vault had a 6.3 start value, but her second was just a 5.8.

    “The difficulty of the two vaults added up together was a huge difference between third and fourth place,” he said. “(Cheng’s) execution scores were as low as 8.5, which tells me that the necessary deductions were made. It might look strange at first sight, but if you look at the rules and the regulations, everything is as it should be.”"

  11. Ask the judges, nobody here knows how to score a routine. In fact, hold a gun to his head, to make sure he speaks the truth.

  12. agree!!!! gosh!!!!

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