
Alien abduction? haunting? or just chance?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so today at 3am me and my husband were both lying in bed trying to sleep, i felt really anxious, but i didnt want to bug my husband, well after a few minutes, i rolled over and asked him "do you feel weird?" he jumped up and said yeah! and we started freaking out. We turned on the lights, checked the doors, looked outside, looked at the news and weather. but we cant figure out what is going on. we still feel weird, what the h**l is going on? serious answers only please.




  1. It cud be that something is gona happen.not something like bad but just that u can sense summin will happen. dont worry

  2. This might sound weird.... early this morning at 3 AM i woke up feeling choked and nauseas. I stepped out for a walk and went towards my barn only to see all my animals feeling restless. My neighbor claims that he was feeling weird too this morning. it could be some kind of geological phenomena that makes certain humans and animals react in a certain way.

  3. It could be a premonition...something may have happened to someone you know and you are feeling it. You may find out what it was later. Also, people seem to be able to know when intruders are near, maybe someone was lurking around your house. It sounds very weird, but I've had weird feelings before to and I did exactly what you two did...get up, check all the doors and windows and closets...turn on all the lights..whew! I never did find anything.

  4. It was something you ate!

  5. I answered this in detail under your other question/same question different post.

  6. Too much dooby

  7. Its okay just smoke some more crack.

  8. I was at a friends home. i felt a presence of evil, like some thing was going to happen bad.i begged him to move ,him and his family.but he got killed in his front yard two weeks later,I took in his two sons for a few years.

    I am just  that way though,

    i woke up, what?something had just happened . four hours later a Friends mother called to let me know my friend john had died, we sometimes feel things .a lot of people do.

    I would pray about it myself.

    there's things going on around us we usually don't know about but can only feel.

    I wish Y'all the very best

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