
Alien abductions...please help...?

by Guest60541  |  earlier

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i need contact info for someone who specializes in this field.




  1. If someone claims to "specialize in this field", please do not give them any money.  Because, they will most surely ask.


  2. If they specialize in this..then they should already know the answer. The only thing I can think of is to email MUFON and ask them. Psi might have a link. Maybe he'll help you.(psiexploration)(a regular on here)

    edit...I might have misunderstood your question.

  3. The rude and insulting skeptic is probably as usual not informed of the fact that many licensed mental health professionals take the issue of alien abduction experiences seriously and do not blame it on other mental disorders if people/abductees do not meet the criteria.

    John Mack (link below) the Harvard university psychiatrist (now deceased)

    "Mack initially suspected that such persons were suffering from mental illness, but when no obvious pathologies were present in the persons he interviewed, Mack's interest was piqued." believed this worthy of study and people worthy of support.

    As usual unqualified skeptics like to blame mental disorders that they have no education or training in diagnosing.

    Constance Clear (now deceased) (link to her book below) another actually qualified licensed mental health professional for many years ran a support group for people that had experienced abductions.

    Please feel free to contact me and let me know a little bit about what you might need and I will attempt to put you in touch with someone experienced, supportive, qualified and maybe even in your area.


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