
Aliens describe the human race?

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If aliens EXISTED how would they describe the human race? war hungry? agressive? violent maybe? or just a strange race that have a habit destroying themselves?




  1. vermin...the aliens would wipe out the human race and take the earth's resources for themselves

  2. If there were aliens from another world, they would have to have evolved by the same processes that life on earth did. Like all life on earth, humans are not unusual in being aggressive, violent, war hungry or habitat destroying. Indeed, about 2.4 billion years ago, life on earth nearly wiped itself out by drowning in their own waste - oxygen.

    It is true that humans are very effective at destroying the environment, but that is because we are so talented at using the environment for our purposes, but so also are termites and ants.

    It seems unlikely that life that evolved elsewhere would find our habits surprising since it seems to be the way of all life.

  3. "Sentient, but egotistical. Their societal infrastructure is spread unevenly with larger concentrations in some areas while others remain pre-industrial. They have divided themselves into 'nations' which are determined geographically and by common societal practices. Most individuals allow small groups or individuals to decide how to interact with other nations creating a well defined boundary between 'daily living' and what they call 'politics'. They are driven by a predatory and tribal instinct that lends itself to conflict. They seem to prefer the company of individuals similar to themselves and only show effort to understand the actions of others on rare occasions. This has created several rifts between large groups of people and 'nations'. These rifts often develop into forceful action against the will of other groups. They call this 'war' and despite a widely encompassing 'political body' being established after a past highly destructive 'war' it remains vastly useless as it remains dependent on 'nations' still prone to societal rifts.

    "Most assign themselves to 'religions' which act as very important ties to others within the same 'religion'. Most of these 'religions' are guided by a written narrative or guidelines which dictate societal tradition, describe a 'life' after 'death', and sometimes explains the workings of the world around them.

    "Their technological knowhow has steadily increased over the few thousand years of their existence with a large jump in progress within the last 200 years (including exploration outside of their planets gravity but show greater pride in their not as accomplished 'manned' exploration despite it being economically exhausting and no where near as accomplished as the probes they have sent out). This recent acceleration in technological development is due to an equally substantial jump in population size caused by more sophisticated agricultural practices. Inversely this sudden population growth has left them no time to understand the effects it is having on their environment and only now coming to first realizations. The massive population combined with a changing environment caused by their advancing industrial system will most likely lead to a die off in the near future causing a drastic change in social and 'political' standings of many groups."

    This is what I think any advanced civilization would say after studying us. Any society willing to judge us would not be too far ahead of us in my opinion. Besides any society made up of individuals with differing opinions and the will and means to change the world around them (pretty much all requisites of civilization as we know it) will be just as prone to conflict amongst each other as ourselves. The only civilization I can imagine that would not have war would be a hive minded species with one or very few individuals. Any species passive enough to avoid conflict will probably not have the gall to develop in the first place.

  4.   They would realize that they were just the same as them.

      They would theorize about our existence as we do about them.

      They would know that they would never meet us but may one day get  proof of our existence.

      They would figure that we would parallel them closely in intelligence we would not look like them and that our technology would be close to theirs give or take a couple of hundred tears.

      Well, back in my UFO.

  5. Mostly harmless.

  6. ETs are NOT your friend-

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