
Aliens on earth?

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Are they on earth. I've read that people meet and have seen aliens on earth. Do they live here.




  1. Confidentially, there are many galactic anthropologists here on Earth to study us. They are able to modify themselves to look more human and do this to be unnoticed. We have nothing to fear from them because they are here solely on a benign mission to collect data about Earth as a whole and to study it's inhabitants, just as they have done on thousands of other worlds.

    io627 I'd like to know your source for "cosmic blinks of the eye"! :)

  2. no i do not belive that there are aliens on earth.

    If you are curious there is a show on the history channel called UFO Files.

  3. No! I have read stories as well but never have I seen evidence of extraterrestrials on Earth nor have I seen any flying saucers. I have been wittiness to UFOs, but all I can tell you is that they were objects in the sky that I had no clue as to what they were. Nothing more!

  4. The only ones I know occasionally appear near the Rio Grande, but usually the border patrol rounds them up and sends them back to Mexico.  If you mean aliens from another planet,  no, they are not here!  If you know differently, better go tell the Men in Black!

  5. Aliens do exist and one day we may get proof of their existence.

      We will never meet one and they may always remain a theory to us as we do to them.

  6. Why would they want to live here?  They're probably just visiting to make sure their society doesn't implode like ours is.

  7. There is no scientific proof or evidence of any kind anywhere that extraterrestrial beings are on Earth.

    But aliens are everywhere - if you mean the normal definition of "alien", which is illegal residents of a country.

  8. Maybe they're here, maybe they're not.  if they are, and we are unaware it could be be simply because they are evolved, both technically and concsiously, so far beyond us that we simply don't perceive their presence.

    Think about it... do fish have any concept that we are studying them? When we pluck a shark out of the water to put a satellite tag on them to study their migration patterns, do they think "c**p, what they h**l is this alien...?" They simply do not have any concept of what it means to have people studying them.  Maybe that's us with aliens.

    I believe that there is other life out there, i'd bet my own life on it.  It would take an incredibly advanced intelligence to have the technology to study our planet and be aware that we are here, let alone visit us, let alone, run shuttles and have an entire operation. the physics involved in travelling the distances required for aliens to be amoung us are staggering.

    But i wouldn't say it's impossible.  Might we have the tech to travel beyond light speed (really the tech to bend space-time, travelling at or beyond the speed of light is impossible according to our current understanding of the physical laws of the universe, according to general relativity...) in 1000 years? 5000 years? 10000 years? if humans are still around in 10000 years, might we have that kind of technology? it's possible, and 10000 years is a mere blink of the eye in geological terms, let alone cosmic terms. Just a blink.

    absolutely ANYTHING is possible. The truth about our universe is infinitely more fascinating and bizarre and amazing than anything anyone has ever been able to invent.
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